Laparoscopic pituitary surgery to remove tumors in Türkiye

Endoscopic pituitary surgery, also called transsphenoidal endoscopic surgery, is the most common surgery used to remove pituitary adenomas.

The pituitary gland is located in the lower part of the brain and above the nose. It is responsible for regulating most of the body’s hormones, which are the chemical messengers that travel through the blood.

Endoscopic pituitary surgery is done using an instrument called an endoscope. It is a thin, stiff tube that has a microscope, light, and camera built into it, and is usually inserted through the nose. The camera allows the surgeon to watch on a television screen as other special tools are inserted through the scope to remove the tumor.

Reasons for endoscopic pituitary surgery

Endoscopic pituitary surgery is done to remove certain types of tumors that begin to grow in the pituitary gland:

Laparoscopic pituitary surgery to remove tumors in Türkiye
  • Tumors that secrete hormones. These tumors secrete a chemical hormone that travels through the blood.
  • Tumors that do not secrete hormones. These tumors, also called endocrine-inactive pituitary adenomas, are usually removed by surgery because they can increase in size and may cause headaches and visual disturbances.
  • carcinoid tumors These tumors can be treated with a combination of surgery, cancer drugs, and x-ray therapy.

Risks of endoscopic pituitary surgery

Laparoscopic pituitary surgery is a safe type of surgery, but all surgical procedures carry some risks of reaction to anesthesia, bleeding and infection. Risks and complications that may occur with this type of surgery also include:

  • Runny nose CSF. Cerebrospinal fluid or cerebrospinal fluid is the fluid that surrounds the brain, and may leak from the nose after surgery.
    • In some cases, another surgery may be required to repair this leak.
  • Meningitis. This is a type of infection that occurs in the membrane lining the brain and spinal cord and can happen after surgery. It is more common if there is a leak from the nose.
  • Damage to normal parts of the pituitary gland. Damage to the areas of the pituitary gland that secrete hormones may require hormone replacement after surgery.
  • diabetes insipidus. Damage to a part of the pituitary gland that helps control urination may cause frequent urination and thirst.
  • severe bleeding Severe and persistent bleeding in the brain or from the nose may occur if large blood vessels are damaged during surgery.
  • visual problems The nerves supplying vision near the pituitary gland area can be damaged.

There may be other risks, depending on your specific medical condition. Be sure to discuss any concerns with your doctor prior to the procedure.

before surgery

You may need to see an endocrinologist for an evaluation before surgery. Endocrinologists are the medical professionals who deal with glands and hormones. You may also have your eyesight checked before surgery.

Laparoscopic pituitary surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, so you will be asked to stop eating and drinking after midnight the night before surgery.

You may need to stop taking certain types of medications that may increase bleeding during surgery. Do not take any over-the-counter medications before surgery without telling your doctor.

You may need several blood tests, a heartbeat test, and a chest X-ray. They will all be checked before surgery and will need to be checked by the doctor doing the anaesthesia.

during surgery

The actual surgery may take a few hours. In many cases, an otolaryngologist works with a neurosurgeon. These steps may be done:

  • An otolaryngologist will usually place an endoscope in the nose. In some cases, the speculum can be inserted through an incision under the upper lip.
  • The endoscope is advanced until the bony wall of the sphenoid sinus is found at the back of the nose.
  • The sphenoid sinus is then opened and the endoscope is passed to the posterior wall of the sinus.
  • A small hole is made in the back wall of the pocket.
  • Magnetic resonance visualization (MRI) can be used to make pictures of the pituitary gland area using a computer and magnets during surgery to help guide surgeons.
  • When the pituitary gland area is entered, the neurosurgeon removes the pituitary tumor in small pieces.
  • When all accessible parts of the tumor have been removed, the endoscope is removed. Some fillers may be placed in the nose to complete the operation.

After endoscopic pituitary surgery

  • You may need to stay in the hospital for a day or two.
  • During this time, the nurses will assist you with any dressings and bathroom needs.
  • You will be able to return to a normal diet as long as you take in fluids well.
  • You will be encouraged to get out of bed and walk as soon as you are able.
  • While you’re in the hospital, you’ll be asked to help the nurses keep track of your fluid intake and urine output to assess your pituitary gland function.

Aftercare at home may include:

  • Pain relievers to control headaches, the most common complaint after surgery
  • Restricted Activities – No lifting or straining until your surgeon tells you otherwise
  • Follow-up visits with the endocrinologist and surgeons
  • MRI was repeated
  • Visual test

It is important to inform surgeons of the following:

  • Any headache that does not go away with medication
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Fever
  • bleeding from the nose
  • Watery discharge from the nose
  • increased urination

Laparoscopic pituitary surgery in Türkiye

Türkiye is a regional medical center for the treatment of oncology, as it receives patients from the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

This is due to the high success rates of these operations. The success rate of laparoscopic pituitary surgery treatment in Türkiye depends on the status of the tumor, as some cases reach very high success rates.

Also, the cost of laparoscopic pituitary surgery in Türkiye depends largely on the status of the tumor, and it is impossible to predict the initial or estimated cost of tumor treatment.

So, in the event that you want to consult doctors and request a price quote, we will ask you to send medical reports and a description of the case to REHABTÜRK doctors from here Ask for a free consultation.

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