Spinal Fusion Surgery in Türkiye

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis surgery is performed to correct and eliminate scoliosis, a condition that causes an abnormal curvature of the spine. There is a natural curvature in the spine when viewed from the side, but it should appear straight when viewed from the front.

Kyphosis is a forward curvature of the spine, while lordosis is a backward curvature. There is a normal kyphosis in the thoracic spine (mid-back) and a normal lordosis in the cervical spine (neck) and lumbar spine (lower back).

Spinal Fusion Surgery in Türkiye

People with scoliosis develop additional curves on both sides of the body, and the vertebrae of the spine rotate to form a C-shaped or S-shaped curve. Scoliosis can range from mild (10-20 degrees) to moderate (20-50 degrees) to severe (greater than 50 degrees).

Scoliosis is more common in girls than boys and can be seen at any age, but it is more prevalent in those over 10 years old. It can be hereditary as individuals with scoliosis are more likely to have children with scoliosis. However, there is no direct link between the severity of curves from one generation to the next.

Scoliosis Surgery (Spinal Fusion Surgery)

Most scoliosis surgeons agree that children with very severe curves (45-50 degrees or more) will require surgery to reduce and prevent further progression of the curve.

Scoliosis surgery involves spinal fusion, where the curved vertebrae are realigned and fused together to form a solid bone.

With the available tools and technology today, scoliosis surgeons can significantly improve the curves.

What is Minimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery for Children?

Minimally invasive scoliosis surgery is a type of procedure performed to correct abnormal curvature of the spine known as scoliosis. This type of surgery uses smaller incisions compared to open surgery.

While the spine naturally has some curves forward and backward, it should not curve to the side. With scoliosis, the spine curves to the side in an S or C shape. If the curve is severe, it can cause uneven shoulders or the body to appear tilted to one side.

Minimally invasive scoliosis surgery helps correct the abnormal curve. During the surgery, the surgeon makes several small incisions along the back. Then, they insert a device called a tubular retractor. This allows the surgeon to access the spine with small instruments. Rods and screws are attached to the spine to help straighten it.

Special microscopes and real-time X-ray images are used during the surgery to assist with the procedure. The surgery is typically done using general anesthesia, which puts your child to sleep during the procedure. In some cases, your child may be given only a local anesthesia in the spine and be awake. Your child will be given medicine to make them comfortable.

Minimally invasive scoliosis surgery is a newer, less invasive approach. It may not be available in all hospitals or facilities that perform surgeries.

Why might my child need minimally invasive scoliosis surgery?

Your child may need surgery if their spine has a severe curve. This curve is at least 40 degrees. Or your child may need surgery in the future if other treatments, such as bracing, do not keep the curve from getting worse.

Children who have only mild curves are unlikely to need surgery. Your doctor will watch your child’s spine as they grow.

Surgery is the only treatment that can straighten the spine. It may be done to correct posture and reduce or relieve pain.

If you are considering scoliosis surgery in Türkiye for your child, ask your doctor if the less invasive method might be beneficial for your child. Minimally invasive scoliosis surgery can cause less damage to the back muscles and other nearby tissues. It uses smaller incisions. This can lead to less pain and a shorter recovery time after surgery.

Your child may not be able to have minimally invasive surgery if their spine’s curve is severe.

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What are the risks of minimally invasive scoliosis surgery for my child?

Every surgery has risks. Risks of minimally invasive scoliosis surgery include:

  • Infection
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Pain at the site of the unauthorized incision
  • Nerve damage
  • Blood clots
  • Insufficient bone formation
  • Need for additional surgery

Your child’s risks may vary depending on their age, overall health, the shape of the curve, and the surgical approach. Having the surgery done at a facility experienced with this method can reduce the risks for your child. Talk to your child’s healthcare provider about the risks that may apply to your child.

To prepare your child for scoliosis surgery, follow these steps:

Consult with your doctor about preparing your child for the surgery. Inform your healthcare provider about all the medications your child is taking, including over-the-counter medications like aspirin. Your child may need to stop taking some medications before the surgery.

Your child may need to undergo imaging tests before the surgery, such as X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

On the night before the surgery, make sure your child does not eat or drink after midnight. Inform your healthcare provider about any recent changes in your child’s health, such as fever. Follow any other instructions provided by your healthcare provider before the surgery.

What happens during a child’s scoliosis surgery?

The procedure is done by an orthopedic surgeon. He or she can help explain the details of your child’s surgery. A typical surgery might go like this:

  • During the surgery, your child will be given anesthesia. In some cases, they may receive regional anesthesia that numbs only a part of their body. Antibiotics may be given before and after the procedure to prevent infection.
  • The surgeon will carefully monitor your child’s vital signs, such as heart rate and blood pressure.
  • The surgeon will make small incisions on your child’s back and insert a tubular retractor to expose the area of the spine with the issue.
  • The surgeon will use specialized instruments, including a small camera and light, to perform the surgery.
  • The surgeon will partially straighten the spine using screws, rods, and wires.
  • In some cases, bone grafting may be used to complete the repair. Bones from your child’s hip or from a donor may be used.
  • The instruments and tubes will be removed, and the incisions will be closed with a small bandage.

After the surgery:

Your child may need to stay in the hospital for a few days after the surgery. They may experience some pain after the surgery, which will be managed with pain medications.

Leakage of some fluids from the surgery site is normal. However, inform the doctor immediately if there is excessive fluid or if your child experiences severe pain, chills, or fever.

Your doctor will provide instructions on how your child should position their back after the surgery. They may need to avoid movements involving heavy lifting or bending.

Your doctor will inform you about the expected recovery time for your child. Your child may be able to return to school within a week or two. Full recovery and resumption of regular activities may take several months.

Follow all the doctor’s instructions regarding your child’s treatment and follow-up appointments.

The next steps before undergoing scoliosis surgery in Turkey:

Before agreeing to the test or procedure, ensure that you know:

  • The name of the test or procedure.
  • The reason for undergoing the test or procedure.
  • The expected results and what they mean.
  • The risks and benefits of the test or procedure.
  • Possible side effects or complications.
  • The date and location of the test or procedure.
  • Who will perform the test or procedure and their qualifications.
  • What will happen if you do not undergo the test or procedure.
  • Any alternative tests or procedures to consider.
  • When and how you will receive the results.
  • Whom to contact after the test or procedure if you have questions or concerns.

Cost of scoliosis surgery in Turkey:

The cost of scoliosis surgery in Türkiye varies depending on the degree of spinal curvature, the patient’s age, and the technique used. It’s worth noting that scoliosis can be treated without surgery if the curvature is mild.

The cost of the surgery can range from $5,000 to $25,000 USD. To accurately determine the cost of scoliosis surgery in Türkiye, simply contact the doctors at REHABTÜRK HEALTHCARE PROVIDER NETWORK. They can provide you with detailed information and cost estimates.

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