Paragraph Fusion Surgery in Türkiye

Paragraph fusion surgery is a surgical procedure in which two or more vertebrae are permanently linked together in a single, solid bone without any space between them. The vertebrae are the small, interconnected bones of the spinal column.

In spinal fusion, additional bone is used to fill the gap typically present between the separated vertebrae. Once the bone heals, there will no longer be any space between them.

What is the purpose of paragraph fusion surgery?

Paragraph fusion surgery is performed to treat or alleviate symptoms of various spinal column problems. The procedure eliminates movement between the treated vertebrae. While this reduces flexibility, it is beneficial for treating spinal disorders that make movement painful. These disorders include:

  • Tumors
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Herniated disc
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Fractured vertebrae causing spinal instability
  • Scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine)
  • Kyphosis (abnormal forward bending of the upper spine)
  • Spinal weakness or instability due to arthritis, tumors, or infection
  • Spondylolisthesis (a condition where one vertebra slips over the one below, causing severe pain)

The spinal fusion procedure may also involve disc removal. When performed alone, disc removal involves taking out a disc due to damage or disease.

When the disc is removed, a bone graft is placed in the empty disc space to maintain the correct height between the bones.

The surgeon uses the vertebrae on either side of the removed disc to form a bridge (or fusion) through the bone graft to enhance long-term stability.

Preparing for Paragraph Fusion Surgery in Türkiye

Paragraph Fusion Surgery in Türkiye

Typically, preparation for spinal fusion is similar to other surgical procedures. It involves pre-operative testing, and you may need to inform your doctor about smoking habits, alcohol consumption, any illnesses you have, and medications you are taking, including herbs and supplements.

You will need to fast for at least eight hours before the procedure, as general anesthesia will be administered. On the day of surgery, you may only take sips of water for any prescribed medications.

How is Paragraph Fusion Surgery Performed?

Paragraph fusion surgery is performed in the surgical department of a hospital under general anesthesia, so you will be unconscious and feel no pain during the procedure.

The surgeon prepares the bone graft that will be used to fuse the vertebrae. If using your own bone, the surgeon makes an incision over the hip bone and removes a small part of it. The bone graft can also be synthetic or from a bone bank.

Depending on the location of the bone fusion, the surgeon makes an incision to access the spine. The bone graft is then placed between the affected vertebrae to join them. In some cases, the graft material is inserted between the vertebrae within special cages.

After placing the bone graft, the surgeon may use plates, screws, and rods to prevent movement in the spine. This is known as internal fixation. The additional stability provided by plates, screws, and rods helps the spine heal faster and with a higher success rate.

Recovery from Paragraph Fusion Surgery

After the procedure, you will need to stay in the hospital for a recovery and observation period, typically lasting from three to four days. During this time, you will receive pain medications, and your doctor will monitor your response to anesthesia and the surgery.

While in the hospital, you will receive instructions on new movement techniques, as your flexibility may be limited. You may need to learn new techniques for walking, sitting, and standing safely. You may also be on a soft or liquid diet for a few days.

After leaving the hospital, you may need to wear a brace to maintain proper spinal alignment. You may not be able to resume regular activities until the bone fuses in place, which can take up to six weeks or more.

Your doctor will likely recommend physical rehabilitation to help strengthen your back and learn safe movement techniques.

Full recovery from paragraph fusion surgery usually takes three to six months. Your age, overall health, and physical condition will influence the speed of your recovery and your ability to return to regular activities.

What are the expectations of paragraph fusion surgery?

Paragraph fusion surgery is usually an effective treatment for some spinal conditions. The recovery process may take several months, and your symptoms and comfort level will gradually improve as you gain strength and confidence in your movements.

However, since the procedure alters how the spine works by stabilizing one part of it, the areas above and below the fusion may become more susceptible to strain.

So being overweight, inactive, or in poor physical condition can also put you at risk of developing more spine problems. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, paying attention to your diet and taking regular exercise will help you achieve the best results.

Paragraph Fusion Surgery in Türkiye?

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in REHABTÜRK can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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