What is liposuction?

The process of liposuction involves the removal of unsightly fat from the body. Even after following a healthy lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise, stubborn fat may still be present, thus making liposuction a viable solution. The outcome of the process is a more even and streamlined body contour. It’s important to remember that liposuction is not the solution for significant weight loss.

What is liposuction?

Where on my body can I get liposuction?

The removal of excess fat from any part of the body can be achieved through a liposuction procedure. Some of the most frequently targeted areas of the body include:

  • Abdomen, stomach or waist.
  • Flanks or the areas on the sides of the hips which are also commonly referred to as “love handles”.
  • Back or chest.
  • Face, cheeks, chin or neck.
  • Buttocks.
  • Inner knee, calves or ankles.
  • Thighs.
  • Upper arms.

Types of Liposuction

There exist only a limited number of variations of liposuction methods. Despite their distinctions, they share the commonality of implementing a slender tube known as a cannula, which, coupled with a vacuum, draws out excess fat from your physique.

The most frequently used method of liposuction is called tumescent liposuction. In this technique, a sterile mixture of salt water (saline), lidocaine, and epinephrine is injected by the surgeon into the specific area where fat tissue is to be eliminated. The solution helps to minimize blood loss and discomfort during the suctioning process of the fat tissue.

The process of Ultrasound-assisted liposuction, also known as UAL, involves the use of sound waves that penetrate through the skin to break down fat cells’ walls. This creates a liquid form of fat that can then be removed through suctioning.

SmartLipo, also known as laser-assisted liposuction, utilizes a laser to generate a burst of energy that transforms fat into liquid form.

Benefits of Liposuction 

For numerous patients, liposuction has the potential to significantly alter their lives by enhancing their self-assurance and boosting their overall well-being and lifestyle. There are a variety of advantages to undergoing fat removal surgery, which are as follows:

  • Increased confidence self-esteem 
  • The drive to adopt a more nutritious way of living.
  • Elimination of fat that does not respond to a healthy diet and physical activity.
  • Contoured treatment areas  
  • Helps control perspiration and prevents irritation caused by friction.
  • Being able to choose from a greater variety of clothing options.
  • Body feels more in proportion 
  • Patients who stick to a nutritious diet and consistent workout routine may experience positive effects that endure over time.
What is liposuction?

Who is a candidate for liposuction?

Individuals considering liposuction must fulfill specific criteria to guarantee the safety and success of the treatment. Those who satisfy the requirements for liposuction candidacy are:

  • Grown-ups with a weight that is generally average or a little higher than average.
  • Individuals with skin that is tight and supple due to an abundance of elastin protein, along with well-developed muscles.
  • Adults who have good overall health.
  • Individuals who have stubborn fat deposits that do not go away with proper dietary and exercise regimes.
  • Nonsmokers.
  • People who have achievable expectations regarding the results of the procedure.

Before suggesting any treatment, healthcare providers typically review these conventional prerequisites. If liposuction is suitable for you, your provider will inform you.

Liposuction Surgery 

Our skilled surgeons specialized in removing fat will evaluate your BMI, which measures your overall fat amount in proportion to your height. This will establish a starting point for the surgeon to decide if you are a good candidate for liposuction. There are some restrictions on how much fat can be taken out at once due to physiological limitations; hence patients with a BMI below or above a specific range may not qualify for fat removal surgery.

Liposuction surgery can be performed together with other medical procedures like a tummy tuck. The surgeon will carefully examine the patient’s BMI and suggest the most suitable course of action, while also explaining the potential drawbacks, constraints and advantages of the fat extraction surgery.

The process of eliminating fat from the body is done using general anesthesia and can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the patient’s needs and how many areas need to be treated. The procedure can either be completed in a single day or the patient may be requested to spend the night at one of our rehabturk hospitals to allow for recovery.

Patients may encounter sensations of unease, contusions, and puffiness in the areas that have undergone a fat removal operation once the surgery is completed. It is an expected occurrence. To mitigate the pain, pain relievers will be administered, and the inflammation and bruising should begin to decrease within 7-21 days. Each patient’s recovery is distinct, and hence, it is conceivable for swelling and bruising to take 12 weeks or beyond to diminish.

Rehabturk recommends that patients take a break from work for a period of 7-10 days after undergoing surgery to remove fat. For proper healing and to prevent additional swelling, patients must wear tight compression clothing for 4-6 weeks after surgery. It is crucial that patients attend all follow-up nurse appointments at Rehabturk clinical centers.

What is liposuction?


In case you underwent a general anaesthetic, it is mandatory for someone to accompany you home and remain with you for the first 24 hours.

The duration until your ability to resume work is determined by various considerations including the nature of your occupation and the extent of your body that received treatment.

This also holds true for determining when you can drive again. It is recommended to have a conversation with your surgeon about this matter.

You can remove the bandage or corset when you take a shower.

You should refrain from engaging in strenuous activities for a period of 4 to 6 weeks, with the exception of walking and normal movements which are deemed acceptable.

The effects of the process may not be apparent immediately and may only become visible once the swelling subsides. It may require a period of up to six months for the region to fully recover.

In approximately one week’s time, if you did not have dissolvable stitches, your stitches would need to be taken out.

After 4 to 6 weeks, it should be possible for you to resume engaging in any high-impact sports or challenging physical activities that you typically participate in.

Deciding if liposuction is right for you

There are individuals that are suitable for liposuction, while others should not consider it as an option. It is essential to communicate with your physician to ascertain if this operation is appropriate for your situation. Share any apprehensions or anxieties you may have with them.

Individuals who are ideal candidates for liposuction are those who:

  • don’t have a lot of excess skin
  • have good skin elasticity
  • have good muscle tone
  • have accumulated body fat that is resistant to being eliminated through a healthy diet and physical activity.
  • have a good level of physical fitness and are generally in good health
  • aren’t overweight or obese
  • don’t smoke

You should avoid liposuction if you:

  • smoke
  • have chronic health problems
  • have a weak immune system
  • are overweight
  • have saggy skin
  • People who have previously experienced diabetes, cardiovascular disease, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or seizures in the past.
  • Consume drugs that have potential to raise the chances of bleeding, for instance, anticoagulants.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

Ask for a free consultation.

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