Tubal ligation in Türkiye

Tubal ligation is a surgical procedure aimed at birth control, in which the female’s fallopian tubes are linked, in other words, it is a type of female sterilization. The goal here is to prevent eggs from moving from the ovary to the uterus, so that pregnancy does not occur.

The fallopian tubes are two thin tubes that connect each of the ovaries to the uterus, and through which unfertilized eggs pass. In the process of tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are cut or blocked, thus preventing the eggs released by the ovary from meeting and fertilizing with sperm.

Tubal ligation in Türkiye

What are the procedures for tubal ligation?

Tubal ligation is done in a hospital or surgical clinic under anesthesia. The surgeon will make one or two small incisions in the abdomen. It uses a long, thin instrument similar to a small telescope (called a laparoscope). To cut, close, or tie the fallopian tubes, and then the doctor will sew the incisions. You can go home a few hours after the end of the procedure.

How effective is it?

Tubal ligation is 99% effective but there is a slight risk of pregnancy after tubal ligation as this can happen if the tubes fuse a second time which is very rare. But in general, it is possible to return to sexual life after about a week from the date of the operation.

Can tubal ligation be reversed?

 Tubal ligation can be reversed in some cases. But it falls under the major surgeries and requires that overnight in the hospital and also there is a good chance that this procedure will fail to be reversed. It depends on the method of tubal ligation, how long ago it was done, and whether the tubes were badly damaged. So that it can not be returned to the above.

It should also be noted that the reverse procedure increases the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy (the fertilized egg implants somewhere other than the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube ) compared to patients who have not undergone previous tubal surgery.

What are the risks of tubal ligation?

Estrogen and progesterone levels may drop rapidly after tubal ligation. This is called post tubal ligation syndrome (PTLS). Its symptoms are very similar to those of menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, difficulty sleeping, decreased sex drive, irregular menstruation, and heavy and painful periods.

The wound from the surgery can become infected and there is also a small chance of feeling constant abdominal pain. Also, there is a chance of a sore throat due to the anesthesia. The risk of developing these problems also increases if you suffer from excess weight. Have had surgery in the same area before, or if you have diabetes, lung disease, or pelvic inflammatory disease. Burns to the intestines or skin are also possible. If the surgeon uses an electric current to close the fallopian tubes.

Does tubal ligation protect against STDs?

No, this procedure is only for preventing pregnancy. Condoms are the best protection against most sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV .

Türkiye is considered one of the leading countries in this field of birth control operations, and it has gained great fame due to many successful operations. We, at REHABTÜRK, deal with the best Turkish doctors in this field and provide the necessary health care to complete the treatment successfully. 

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in REHABTÜRK can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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