Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

The size and proportion of the buttocks play a significant role in creating an appealing and balanced physique. By utilizing specialized fat transfer methods, a talented cosmetic surgeon can help achieve a more voluptuous and shapely buttock appearance through a procedure known as a Brazilian butt lift surgery. To gain further insight, proceed with reading.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

Who Can Get a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)?

If you possess the following requirements, you may be suitable for a Brazilian butt lift:

  • Are in generally good health
  • Have excess fat that is capable of being moved to the buttocks.
  • Desire for a more prominent and curvier appearance of the buttocks.
  • You should try to refrain from sitting for prolonged periods of time during the weeks following your surgery.
  • It is recommended to refrain from sleeping on your back for a few weeks following the surgery.

How long does a Brazilian butt lift last?

The results of a Brazilian butt lift are not permanent but rather last for a certain period of time. They can continue to be noticeable for several years, and in some cases, even exceed ten years without requiring additional procedures. However, as your body ages, its natural changes can impact the outcome of the procedure. To sustain the desired effects of a Brazilian butt lift, it is important to maintain a stable weight.

How does the (BBL surgery) buttock procedure lift work?

The buttock lift procedure lasts for approximately one to two hours and is carried out under general anesthesia.

The process can focus on a specific region of the buttocks or thighs, or it can encompass the entire area. Occasionally, liposuction may be added to the buttock lift to eliminate excess fat from a larger area and loosen the skin that requires lifting.

Usually, the surgeon will take out tissue where the lower back and buttock meet to lift and reshape the buttocks, hips, and lower back. This type of surgery can be done together with hip liposuction, where fat is removed and transferred to the buttock area. This is beneficial for patients with less prominent buttocks, as it can bring back their youthful curves.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

There are four distinct methods for lifting the buttocks.

  • The upper buttock lift is a highly invasive surgical procedure that involves making an incision at the upper area of the buttocks. During this procedure, excess tissue beneath the skin is removed and the buttock is repositioned to enhance its appearance and shape. While it may result in a long scar at the top of the buttocks, this method is proven to be very effective in lifting the buttocks to a higher position.
  • The lower buttock lift is a viable choice for individuals with a moderate level of sagging. This procedure involves making an incision in the lower part of the buttocks, specifically where there is a natural fold. By removing excess tissue from the lower area of the buttock, the resulting scar is less noticeable as it is concealed within the natural crease line.
  • The butterfly buttock lift is named after the incision shape resembling butterfly wings. It is a procedure that tightens the skin but is not as effective for repositioning or lifting the buttocks.
  • The lateral buttock lift is a procedure that effectively addresses moderate sagging in the buttocks. It involves making incisions on the outer side of each buttock and is recommended for individuals with mild sagging and minimal excess fat and skin. This approach aims to minimize scarring while providing the desired results.

What are the benefits of getting a Brazilian butt lift?

When a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon carries out a Brazilian butt lift, there are numerous benefits to be gained.

  • The method is less risky than other types of surgeries, such as implants for buttocks made of silicone.
  • The effects look natural.
  • The effects can last a long time.
  • It can boost your self-esteem.
  • Your garments may have an improved fit or provide greater comfort.

Healing and recuperating post-surgery from your Brazilian buttock augmentation

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

After undergoing a buttock surgery, certain adjustments are necessary during the healing process. Although pain is usually slight and can be effectively managed with medication, it will be prohibited to directly sit or lie on your buttocks for approximately two weeks following a Brazilian butt lift.

Throughout this period, it is important for you to sleep in a position where you are resting on your stomach or side, and you should continue this way for all activities except when you need to use the toilet. Once you are prepared, your cosmetic surgeon will permit you to sit in a modified position, which can be accomplished by using a specialized seat or by placing a pillow beneath your thighs in order to prevent any pressure on your buttocks. Generally, you will be able to resume regular sitting activities after approximately 8 weeks.

If you follow the instructions given by your cosmetic surgeon, you should be able to start doing light everyday tasks within a week after the surgery, and you can go back to work within 10 to 14 days.

Comparison of the Brazilian butt lift with the Sculptra butt lift, silicone implants, and liposuction

The popularity of butt augmentations is increasing, but this does not mean that you are limited to only getting a Brazilian butt lift. It is worth considering these alternative options and talking to your healthcare provider about them.

  • The Sculptra butt lift is a procedure that involves the use of a dermal filler called Sculptra to add volume to the skin, which naturally decreases with age. Typically used for facial wrinkles, Sculptra can also be used in combination with a Brazilian butt lift to achieve maximum volume. It’s important to note that the FDA considers the use of Sculptra in the buttocks as off-label use.
  • Silicone butt implants refer to a surgical procedure where silicone implants are inserted into the buttocks. This method is more extensive than the Brazilian butt lift and may sometimes be performed in combination with it. However, one should be aware that silicone implants can potentially shift over time, necessitating the need for repeat surgery in the future.
  • Liposuction is a procedure that may be suggested by a surgeon to eliminate excess fat deposits in the buttock region, with the aim of enhancing its roundness. It is important to note that this particular procedure solely focuses on removing fat and does not involve the transfer of fat, as seen in a Brazilian butt lift.

Using silicone or hydrogel injections for a buttock lift is strongly advised against. These injections do not yield the desired outcome, and more significantly, the FDA has cautioned against their use due to instances of serious adverse effects and even fatalities.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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