Breast augmentation in Türkiye

Breast augmentation is an elective cosmetic surgical procedure designed to enlarge or symmetrically enlarge the breasts. Breast augmentation is also known as augmentation mastoplasty.

Breast augmentation is performed either by transferring fat from an area of ​​the body or, more commonly, by surgically implanting breast implants.

Candidates are simply people who want to increase the size of their breasts or those who have lost volume in their breasts due to a number of different reasons,

Which can include:

  • Weight loss (sometimes due to surgical weight loss procedures)
  • pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
Breast augmentation in Türkiye

Other candidates include people who want to balance out their physical proportions. For example, someone who has smaller breasts and wider buttocks may want to enlarge their breasts. People with asymmetrical breasts may also wish to increase their breast size. Other candidates include people whose breasts did not develop as expected. A person must have fully developed breasts before an augmentation procedure.

How much does breast augmentation surgery cost?

The cost of breast augmentation surgery varies according to the country and the hospital where the procedure is performed. In most locations, the cost provided may not include the following details:

  • implants
  • anesthesia
  • Surgical facility or hospital
  • Any tests or lab work that needs to be done
  • pharmaceutical
  • What clothes to wear during the recovery period

Elective cosmetic procedures are not covered by health insurance. Also, some insurance companies do not cover conditions or complications that arise after or as a result of plastic surgery.

Also consider the time costs involved in getting the surgery. While initial healing should only last one to five days, it may take a few weeks before the pain and swelling go away.

The patient will need to arrange time off from work on the day of surgery as well as several days afterward while recovering from the initial pain.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe strong painkillers that make it dangerous to operate a car, as the patient needs someone to drive him to and from the hospital.

The patient can start his normal activities once he gets all the clarifications from the plastic surgeon as he will tell him when it is safe to start the activities like playing sports again.

How does breast augmentation work?

During breast augmentation, an implant or fat from the patient’s body is surgically inserted behind each of the breasts. The implants are placed either behind the pectoral muscles or behind the normal breast tissue. This would increase the size of the breasts by a cup or more.

The implant can also be chosen with a contoured or rounded shape. The implants increase the size of the breasts as well as providing shape in areas that may have been previously “empty”.

A distinction must be made between breast augmentation surgery and breast lift surgery, which lifts to correct sagging breasts.

Implants are usually soft, silicone-made bags that are filled with either saline or silicone. Although there is some controversy surrounding the use of silicone implants, they are still very popular among people who choose breast augmentation surgery.

How to perform breast augmentation

When proceeding with breast augmentation surgery, it must be performed in an integrated hospital. Most of the time, people can go home the same day as the procedure.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia so that the patient does not feel any pain. You must follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions to prepare within 24 hours prior to the procedure.

Breast implants are implanted using one of three types of incisions:

  1. submammary (under your breast)
  2. axillary (in the armpit)
  3. periapical nipple (in the tissues surrounding the nipple)

The surgeon then creates a pocket by separating the breast tissue from the muscles and tissues of the chest. The implants are then placed inside these pockets and in the middle of the breasts.

If the patient opts for a saline implant, the surgeon will fill it with sterile saline once the implant has been successfully placed. If the patient chooses a silicone implant, the implant is ready and filled with silicone before implantation.

After successful placement of the implants, the surgeon closes the incisions with sutures, then securely ties them with tape and surgical glue. The patient is monitored during recovery, and then released to go home once the anesthesia has worn off enough.

Are there risks or side effects?

A common risk of breast augmentation surgery is the need for follow-up surgical procedures to correct any complications that may arise. Some people may wish to have a different size implant or lift as their skin expands over time.

Other risks and side effects include:

  • bleeding and bruising
  • pain in the breasts
  • An infection at the surgery site or around the implant
  • Contracture of the capsule, or the formation of scar tissue inside the breast (this can cause implants to be deformed, displaced, painful, or appear larger)
  • Implant rupture or leakage
  • A change in how the breasts feel (often temporary after surgery)
  • The “rippling” of the skin over the implant, most often just below the breast
  • Improper position or movement of the implant
  • Fluid buildup around the implant
  • Difficulty healing at the incision site.
  • Discharge from the breast or at the incision site
  • severe scarring of the skin
  • Heavy sweating during the night

As with any surgical procedure, the use of general anesthesia also carries risks, including death during the procedure.

You should contact your doctor immediately if:

  • Onset of a fever.
  • Seeing redness in or around the breast, especially red lines on the skin
  • Feeling a warm sensation around the incision site.

All of this could indicate an infection.

After recovery, the surgeon needs to evaluate any breast or armpit pain or a change in the size or shape of the breast. Because this may indicate a rupture of the implant. It’s not always easy to spot a rupture right away, as implants tend to leak slowly.

Other rare complications include chest pain and shortness of breath. These are medical emergencies that may require hospitalization.

There is also a risk of developing anaplastic large cell lymphoma. It is a newly recognized rare form of leukemia associated with the long-term presence of breast implants.

Patients who have had breast implants should monitor their breasts and consult a doctor for any changes, new enlargement, swelling or pain.

What do you expect after breast augmentation?

After a breast augmentation procedure, your surgeon will likely advise you to wear a compression bandage or a sports bra to get the support the patient needs during the recovery period. They may also prescribe pain medications.

The surgeon also makes recommendations for when to return to normal work and recreational activities. Most people can return to work within a few days, but the patient may need up to a week off to recover. The patient may also need a longer vacation from work if the nature of his work is physically demanding.

When it comes to exercise and physical activity, the patient should avoid anything strenuous for at least two weeks and also like to avoid high blood pressure or pulse after the surgery. Apart from that, the extra movement will be very painful for the breasts. It may be possible to remove the implant at a follow-up appointment with your surgeon.

Results of the procedure are visible immediately, but swelling can make it difficult to assess final results until healing has had a chance to begin.

While the results should be long-lasting, breast implants cannot be guaranteed to last forever. You may need follow-up surgeries to replace implants in the future. Some people also choose to “reverse breast augmentation” at a later date.

How was breast augmentation performed in Türkiye?

You can find the best certified Turkish surgeons by contacting the “REHABTÜRK” medical institution

It must be ensured that the operation is performed by the most skilled surgeons. Therefore, it is necessary to read the patients’ comments and check the pictures of the previous patients before and after.

Aside from verification and qualifications, make sure you are comfortable with your surgeon and confident in his or her abilities. Then schedule a consultation! Breast augmentation is a sensitive and private process, so the hospital and doctor must be chosen carefully.

How can I book a breast augmentation operation in Türkiye?

Treatment in Türkiye:
  • Free medical support on the phone: You will have a dedicated representative for your health condition who is always ready to answer your questions.
  • Free consultation with a specialist doctor: Your medical representative will consult with a number of doctors and hospitals to find the best possible treatments.
  • Free travel visa arrangement: We will contact the embassy in your country to assist you in obtaining a visa to visit Türkiye.
  • Free itinerary planning: We will create a schedule for your medical trip to Türkiye.
  • Free translation of documents and reports: We will translate medical documents and reports into Turkish on your behalf.
  • Free support and monitoring: We will monitor the stages of treatment and be by your side every step of the way.
  • Free instant translation: We will be with you during the treatment stages to provide translation between you and the medical team.
  • Free accommodation and transportation coordination: We will book accommodation for you and your companions in Türkiye, along with transportation services.

Contact REHABTÜRK doctors for more information about the procedure and to evaluate your medical condition.

 Ask for a free consultation.

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