Breast Reduction in Türkiye

Breast reduction surgery, also known as “reduction mammoplasty,” is a procedure that helps reduce the size of a woman’s breasts. During this cosmetic surgery, excess fat, tissues, and skin are removed through incisions on the lower side of both breasts. It is generally a procedure that can be performed in outpatient clinics with few complications.

Reasons for Breast Reduction

Women with large breasts often suffer from physical symptoms due to the stress caused by the weight of their breasts on the neck, shoulders, and back. Some women may experience constant headaches, improper breast positioning, and herniated discs.

Additionally, some women may feel embarrassed or have a negative body image due to the size of their breasts. Breast reduction surgery can address both these physical and psychological challenges.

Preparing for Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction in Türkiye

Before undergoing breast reduction surgery, a routine examination is performed to determine if the patient is a suitable candidate. X-rays or other laboratory tests may also be conducted to ensure good health. The decision to use general anesthesia during the surgery is made based on the patient’s preference and tolerance.

The doctor may advise discontinuing certain medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, in the days leading up to the surgery. Arrangements should be made in advance for someone to drive the patient home after the surgery. Any prescribed medications that the patient may need to manage pain after the surgery should be brought along.

Food and water should be avoided in the hours leading up to the procedure on the day of the surgery, as instructed by the doctor.

During the Surgery

After administering anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision starting from the areola (the area surrounding the nipple) and continuing to the lower side of the breast.

The surgeon then removes fatty tissues and skin to reduce the size of each breast. Often, the nipple can be preserved in its place, but in some cases, it may need to be repositioned.

After the Surgery

Following the surgery, the breasts are wrapped in gauze. Drainage tubes may be attached to the breasts to help eliminate excess fluids and reduce initial swelling after the surgery.

The doctor will inform the patient when it is safe to remove the dressings. Usually, it takes up to a week before the patient can wear a special soft bra again. At this stage, a specialized soft bra is worn for several weeks.

Recovery from Breast Reduction

Although some patients may be able to return home from the hospital on the same day of the surgery or the following day, ample time for rest and recovery is essential. It is crucial to avoid any movements that may strain the muscles for several weeks after the surgery. Carrying heavy groceries or anything weighing more than 5 pounds should be avoided.

The breasts may be sore, especially when touched. Pain relievers can help manage the recovery process, and there may be symptoms such as numbness, itching, or general fatigue.

Depending on the speed of recovery, the doctor will be able to advise when the patient can resume normal activities such as work, exercise, or driving.

Risks of Breast Reduction Surgery

While the risks of breast reduction surgery tend to be low, some women may experience:

  • Reduced or lost sensitivity in the nipples or breasts
  • Uneven results (one breast or nipple appearing larger or smaller than the other)
  • Scarring
  • Breastfeeding issues
  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia, surgical tape, or medications used during the surgery
  • Prolonged swelling

Results of Breast Reduction Surgery

The results after surgery are positive for many women, as it provides both the health and cosmetic benefits of having smaller breasts. The patient may need to buy new clothing to better fit the body, and it may take some time to mentally adjust to the new appearance. It’s also important to note that it may take months for swelling to completely disappear. Therefore, there’s no need to worry if the breasts don’t appear smaller immediately. Consultation with the doctor is necessary to ensure proper recovery. In some cases, follow-up surgery may be needed to correct any issues or enhance the appearance of the breasts.

Breast Reduction Surgery in Türkiye

Breast reduction surgeries have become an increasingly common option for both men and women in Türkiye. Breast reduction surgery in Türkiye allows for alleviating various symptoms, including discomfort and pain in the shoulders, back, and neck due to excess weight, all at a reasonable and affordable cost. Women may also experience skin irritation between the breasts and the chest wall or where the bra straps apply pressure.

Breast reduction surgery in Türkiye provides a solution to reduce pain and discomfort, as well as an opportunity to improve self-esteem. Surgeons can use different techniques depending on the patient’s desired outcome, anatomy, and tissues that need to be removed to achieve these results:

Liposuction can be used for breast reduction in Türkiye when the tissues to be removed are mainly fatty tissues. This is particularly common in male breast reduction and is also performed in cases where women have experienced weight loss or pregnancy. Liposuction offers a shorter and less invasive procedure compared to incision methods, but it is suitable only for those who need a slight reduction in size and have minimal sagging, if any.

Breast Reduction Techniques in Türkiye:

Vertical Breast Reduction: This technique involves creating lollipop-shaped incisions on the breasts through which breast tissues can be removed. One incision is made around the areola, while the other extends vertically from this incision down to the crease beneath the breast. By removing tissues and fat, breast reduction can also include a breast lift.

Anchor Breast Reduction: This method is similar to the vertical technique but distinguishes itself by adding a third incision along the breast crease. This method is particularly common for those seeking a larger reduction or for those with significant sagging or asymmetry they wish to correct. As with vertical incisions, scarring will fade over the following year.

Breast reduction surgery in Türkiye is performed under general anesthesia, and patients receive full care throughout the night following the surgery. Patients are provided with complete instructions for post-operative care, including medication expectations, pain reduction techniques, changing dressings, and using surgical bras.

REHABTÜRK HEALTHCARE PROVIDER NETWORK, our doctors are committed to selecting the most suitable techniques that meet individual patient needs and lead to the best results. Therefore, you should initiate communication to obtain medical evaluation and all the necessary details.

How can I book breast reduction surgery in Türkiye?

العلاج قي تركيا
  • Free medical support on the phone: You will have a dedicated representative for your health condition who is always ready to answer your questions.
  • Free consultation with a specialist doctor: Your medical representative will consult with a number of doctors and hospitals to find the best possible treatments.
  • Free travel visa arrangement: We will contact the embassy in your country to assist you in obtaining a visa to visit Türkiye.
  • Free itinerary planning: We will create a schedule for your medical trip to Türkiye.
  • Free translation of documents and reports: We will translate medical documents and reports into Turkish on your behalf.
  • Free support and monitoring: We will monitor the stages of treatment and be by your side every step of the way.
  • Free instant translation: We will be with you during the treatment stages to provide translation between you and the medical team.
  • Free accommodation and transportation coordination: We will book accommodation for you and your companions in Türkiye, along with transportation services.

Contact REHABTÜRK doctors for more information about the procedure and to evaluate your medical condition.

 Ask for a free consultation.

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