Facial implants refer to solid materials that are specifically created to be compatible with human tissues. They are designed to enhance or improve the physical structure of your face.

Facial Implants

Your surgeon will need to evaluate your goals, the specific facial features you want to improve, and make a judgment on the most suitable type and size of facial implants for you.

Facial implants are commonly used to enhance various areas of the face, such as the cheeks, chin, and jaw. If you are unsatisfied with your chin’s size, have a weak jaw, or lack definition in your facial features, undergoing plastic surgery with facial implants could be advantageous for you.

Is a Facial Implant Right for You?

If someone is concerned about their appearance and lacks confidence due to their jawline or unbalanced chin or cheekbones, they may opt for facial implants. This surgical procedure can improve their self-image by harmonizing these features with the rest of their face.

Implants can be used to enhance the appearance of a “sunken” or tired face. For instance, jaw implants can increase the strength of the jaw line and improve facial proportions. Chin implants can provide balance and symmetry to the face. Placing an implant over the cheekbones may also rejuvenate the look of certain patients, making them appear more youthful.

Facial implants are becoming increasingly prevalent due to the significant advancements made in medical technology, devices, and materials over the past decade.

Are You a Good Candidate?

If you have experienced a decrease in volume due to aging, lack fullness or deflation in your cheeks, or have hollow cheeks, you would be considered a suitable candidate for cheek implants. Additionally, if your cheeks lack symmetry, you would also be a good fit. It is important to note that cheek implants are a elective surgery, therefore, you must be in good overall health and have no chronic medical conditions.

Facial Implants

About the Procedure

There are numerous options for implants. They can be made from different materials such as silicone or other substances. There is no indication that silicone implants are linked to any illnesses. Your surgeon will have a discussion with you to suggest the suitable type of implant to use.

In the process of cheek implant surgery, the surgeon will create an opening either within the mouth or below the lower eyelid. This will serve as a space where the implant will be placed. In case there are other cosmetic procedures happening simultaneously like a facelift or eyelid surgery, the surgeon might utilize those incisions to insert the implants.

In the process of a chin implant surgery, an implant is placed by the surgeon into a pocket located in front of the jawbone. The surgeon creates a cut either on the inner side of the mouth along the lower lip or slightly under the chin area.

In a jaw implant surgery, the surgeon creates small cuts on both sides of the lower lip to prepare for the implant.

What are the steps I should take to get ready for facial implant and chin surgery?

Getting ready for your facial implant and/or chin surgery procedures at rehabturk Center might involve:

  • Lab testing or a medical evaluation.
  • Modifying your existing medications or trying out new medications.
  • Quitting smoking well before undergoing surgery.
  • Due to a higher potential of experiencing bleeding, it is advisable to refrain from taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and herbal supplements.


Before your surgery, we will provide you with all the necessary information on what you need to do and be aware of. Our surgical team will guide you on how to get ready for the procedure. It is important that you arrange for someone to drive you back home after the surgery, regardless of whether it is an outpatient or inpatient surgery. Additionally, you may want to consider making arrangements for assistance during your healing process for a day or two.

In order to ensure your comfort during the procedure, we administer general anesthesia so that you will be asleep. Another option available for certain patients is local anesthesia combined with intravenous sedation.

What is involved in recovery?

Cheek implants:

Recovery from cheek implant surgery may involve experiencing mild pain and swelling, as well as potential challenges with moving your mouth and lips for a few days. Your stitches will be taken out in approximately one week, and any stitches placed inside your mouth will dissolve naturally.

Cheek implants

Chin implants:

After undergoing chin implant surgery, it is normal to encounter discomfort, inflammation, and discoloration. The stitches that have been applied will be taken out in approximately one week, while those placed inside the mouth will dissolve naturally.

Facial Implants

Chin surgery:

After undergoing chin surgery, it is expected to experience swelling, bruising, and numbness for a few weeks. Incisions will be made in your mouth, which may increase the chance of infection from the bacteria present in that area. Therefore, it is crucial to pay extra attention to maintaining good oral hygiene as directed by your surgeon. Throughout the recovery phase, you will be required to consume only soft foods and take precautions to prevent any accidental impacts or harm to your face.

Lip implants or lip augmentation:

Many methods of lip enhancement result in swelling after surgery, which typically subsides within a week. Although there may still be some lingering swelling, the lips will appear presentable at this point.

Lip implants

Lower jaw implants:

There might be some discomfort and noticeable swelling when lower jaw implants are implanted. It may also be challenging to move your mouth and lips for a few days. While most of the swelling will go down in a few days, it could take a few months for all the swelling to fully disappear. Stitches used in the mouth will dissolve on their own.

What results should I expect after facial implants?

Although the initial results of facial implant plastic surgery are noticeable right away, they may not be clearly visible due to visible swelling. It can take a few months for the swelling to completely go away.

Although the effects of your facial implants will be durable, you may experience temporary side effects during the initial healing stage. This may include swelling, discoloration, numbness, or discomfort in specific areas. Furthermore, there may be a temporary restriction or limitation in facial movements. These conditions are typical and to be expected.

While positive outcomes are anticipated from your procedure, there is no certainty. Under certain circumstances, attaining the best possible results with only one surgery may not be feasible, and an additional surgical intervention might be required.

Your doctor will provide you with detailed guidance on how to take care of yourself. It is crucial to follow your doctor’s instructions for a successful surgery. It is important to avoid applying too much pressure, causing swelling, rubbing, or moving the surgical incisions during the healing process.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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