Mid-face Lift What is it? What Does it do?

A mid-face lift, also referred to as a cheek lift, targets the initial indications of aging, namely the drooping of the cheeks and the area around them. The conventional facelift might not effectively address the upper cheek and lower eyelid regions of the face, which tend to lose volume and become elongated as one gets older.

Mid-face Lift What is it? What Does it do?

A cheek lift procedure raises the malar fat pad in the cheek, which adds volume to the eyes and cheeks and results in a revitalized appearance. The effects of this procedure are longer-lasting compared to injectables, and the recovery time is shorter than that of a traditional facelift.

When to Consider a Mid-Face lift?

If you notice flattened cheeks, well-defined cheekbones, and a tired appearance when you look in the mirror, you might be a good candidate. Prior to undergoing surgery, a medical professional will assess your suitability. It is important to note that this procedure is not exclusive to older individuals and is commonly performed after the age of 30.

Am I a candidate for a mid-face lift?

A mid-face lift, also known as a cheek lift, is a procedure that is tailored to each individual. Suitable candidates for a mid-face lift encompass:

  • People with a weighty sensation below their cheeks.
  • People who have sunken areas below their eyes.
  • People who are in good health and do not have any medical conditions that can hinder the healing process or make surgery more risky.
  • People who have a optimistic mindset and have clear goals in mind that are attainable for enhancing their physical appearance.

How does a mid-facelift work?

As the skin gets older, it begins to lose its innate capacity to bounce back, leading to skin becoming less firm and prone to sagging.

As the skin grows older, the structures beneath it, such as muscles, ligaments, fat, and even bones, also age.

A mid-facelift is a procedure that involves tightening the muscles beneath the skin, resulting in a more youthful and firm appearance. Additionally, during this surgery, the surgeon will adjust the placement of fat to reduce the sunken appearance under the eyes.

The surgical technique is beneficial for reducing wrinkles and sagging in the cheeks and can also lessen laugh lines; however, it does not specifically focus on improving the appearance of the chin or forehead as a full facelift does.

Mid-face Lift What is it? What Does it do?

In order to carry out a mid-facelift, a surgeon creates two minor cuts near the hairline. They then proceed to firm up the muscles and adjust the fat deposits located beneath the skin.

People who desire a more youthful and vibrant look, enhanced cheekbones, and brighter eyes without any adjustments to their jawline and forehead may find that a mid-facelift is a favorable choice.

The majority of individuals are highly content with the outcomes achieved from having a mid-facelift.

What are the various options available for mid-face lift or cheek lift procedures?

The minimally invasive percutaneous mid-face lift (PML) is a modern method for lifting the mid-face. Created by facial aesthetic surgeons at the rehabturk, this procedure effectively tightens the skin under the eyes and decreases wrinkles around the mouth and nose. It achieves these results through tiny incisions, without the requirement to sever tissue or muscle.

In a minimally invasive mid-face lift, the fat pad is repositioned by the surgeon using a discreet suspension system placed under the skin. This is done through a small incision in the hairline near the temple and two small punctures on the cheek, allowing needles to be inserted to thread fine sutures under the skin and through the top of the fat pad.

In the English language, the paragraph can be paraphrased as follows: The fat pad is carefully repositioned by gently tightening two sutures for each pad. Once properly repositioned, it is secured to the side of the head using an incision site and a strong tissue called the temporal fascia. The entire procedure for the minimally invasive mid-face lift usually lasts around 20 to 30 minutes.

Mid-face Lift What is it? What Does it do?

After Surgery 

Eating begins shortly after surgery, followed by the patient becoming mobile. The patient will spend one night in the hospital. There may be some mild swelling and bruising in the face which can be reduced by using a cold compress during the early stage. The bandages will be taken off after 2-3 days, allowing the patient to take a shower. The stitches will be removed between day 5 and 7. The swelling and bruises will typically go away within 2-3 weeks. It is possible for the patient to return to work 3-5 days after the surgery. Light activities can be resumed after 2-3 weeks, while heavy activities should be avoided for one month.

Mid-facelift vs full facelift

A mid-facelift and a full facelift share similarities in their procedures, although a full facelift is more extensive. The full facelift aims to treat the face from the neck up to the forehead, while the mid-facelift specifically targets the area between the upper lip and the corner of the eyes.

The most effective way to address forehead wrinkles and loose neck skin is through a complete facelift, while a mid-facelift focuses on tightening the skin around the cheeks (although a complete facelift can also achieve this result).

Both methods necessitate a cut made along the hairline and usually around the ear in a curving “S” pattern.

The length of time needed for initial healing after a complete facelift is comparable to that of a mid-facelift, despite potentially having a larger incision.

You can expect to return to your regular activities within two weeks and see the complete outcome of your facelift within two to three months.

What results can I expect?

Undergoing a mid-face lift can have a significant impact on how you look. Although you will notice a change right away, it’s possible for the cheek pad to appear excessively lifted initially, but this will subside over time and settle into a more natural position. To ensure that the results last, it is crucial to continue seeing your cosmetic surgeon at the rehabturk Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Center for follow-up appointments and also remember to always protect your skin from the sun throughout your lifetime. You can check out our gallery of before and after photos of patients who have had a cheek lift (mid-face lift) to see the outcomes for yourself.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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