What Is a Lower Body Lift?

The lower body lift is a surgical operation that eliminates surplus skin from the outer parts of the thighs and buttocks. It is often done on people who have lost a significant amount of weight and are dealing with loose, drooping skin. This surgery is extremely effective at tightening the skin in those areas.

What Is a Lower Body Lift?

What exactly is a lower body lift?

Lower body lift is a surgical procedure that is not mandatory and is aimed at correcting skin anomalies in specific regions which include:

  • abdomen
  • pubic area
  • flanks
  • lateral thighs
  • buttocks

Although usually classified as a procedure for improving appearance, it is frequently employed following a significant reduction in one’s body mass.

In terms of procedure, a lower body lift typically entails taking away skin and repositioning the body’s own tissue. According to Parcells, this can lead to a younger and firmer look.

Parcells explains that the process frequently involves the use of liposuction to attain a sense of harmony between the abdominal wall muscles’ tightening, the elimination of excess skin from the thighs and buttocks.

How does a lower body lift differ from a tummy tuck?

A lower body lift and tummy tuck share similarities in their purpose of eliminating extra skin and firming up stomach muscles in order to enhance the appearance of one’s midsection.

There are several distinctions between the procedures. While a tummy tuck concentrates solely on the abdominal region, a belt lipectomy requires a broad incision that wraps around the entire body and enhances both the lower belly area and the buttocks.


What Is a Lower Body Lift?

The lower body lift procedure does more than just remove skin. It involves pulling up and smoothing out the skin to create sleek, defined shapes and firmer, more taut flesh.

A lower body lift can:

  • Reduce the size of your waist and eliminate any noticeable protrusions.
  • Tighten and smooth the sides and back.
  • Get rid of extra body fat and firm up sagging skin on the outside of the thighs, uncovering a sleeker and more streamlined appearance in the leg region.
  • Lift buttocks
  • Improve the fit of clothes
  • Increase mobility
  • Improve the health of the skin

During the surgery known as lower body lift, what occurs?

If you are considering belt lipectomy surgery, here is what you should anticipate:

  1. While you are standing, the surgeon will use a marker to draw lines around your torso. This will aid in identifying the most suitable location for making incisions.
  2. You are given a mixture of drugs known as general anesthesia, which will make you unconscious and numb to any sensations.
  3. An operation is performed by cutting a circle through your entire midsection.
  4. They eliminate surplus skin and might also tighten the muscles while raising and relocating the rest of the tissue for a sleek and firm appearance.
  5. Prior to finishing the course of action, they seal the cuts through the application of sutures, skin glues, and fasteners.
  6. Often, drains are placed.

What qualities make someone a suitable candidate for body lift surgery?

What Is a Lower Body Lift?

Typically, individuals who are considered suitable for a body lift procedure are:

  • People who have excessive laxity in soft tissues in one or more parts of their body.
  • People who are in good health and do not have any medical conditions that might affect their ability to heal or increase their risk during surgery.
  • People who have a optimistic attitude and practical expectations about the potential outcomes of body lift surgery.
  • Nonsmokers
  • People who are dedicated to maintaining good health by following a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity.

At what point is it appropriate to reach out to my medical professional?

If you observe indications of complications, such as, it is advisable to reach out to your surgeon.

  • Chest pain.
  • Infections may result in a rise in body temperature or secretion coming out from the surgical cut.
  • Pain that doesn’t react to medication.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Indicators of blood clots can include an abrupt increase in size in your legs or feet.
  • Unusual heartbeat (palpitations).
  • Issues with your incision.

What can I expect from aftercare and recovery?

Lee mentions that it is important to get your home ready for a secure recovery. In order to accomplish this, he suggests the following strategies:

  • Find someone to provide transportation for you and offer help during the initial phase of your recuperation.
  • As your ability to move around might be impacted by the surgery, it is recommended to keep essential items like food, water, medication, clothing, and other necessary supplies easily accessible.
  • While you are recovering, it is advisable to steer clear of exhausting physical exercises, but it is still important to remain mobile in order to prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • Most importantly, make sure to adhere to the guidance given by your surgeon, which encompasses administering wound care, consuming prescribed drugs, and attending succeeding appointments.

How soon will I notice the results?

After the surgery, you will notice a reduction in the size of your lower torso. However, it will take some weeks for the swelling and bruising to go down. Although the scars will diminish over time, they will never completely vanish. Moreover, the process of your skin and tissues adjusting to their new location may take about a year or even longer.

The takeaway

If you have dropped a considerable amount of weight and are disheartened by the loose skin and tissue, a body lift may be an option for you. Nevertheless, it is advisable to choose this procedure only if you are close to achieving your desired weight. Although this might cause frustration and self-awareness, it is for your wellbeing.

If coping with the excess skin and tissue is causing emotional distress, consider seeking assistance from your provider and attending support groups for individuals undergoing weight loss surgeries or body lifts. Being in the company of those who understand and have gone through similar experiences can foster a supportive community and provide emotional aid.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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