Herniated disc treatment in Türkiye

Herniated disc treatment is available in Türkiye at reasonable costs compared to other centers and hospitals around the world. Rather, we provide the latest advanced devices and equipment to support a patient’s treatment plan. Not to mention the expertise of doctors and their superiority at the world level. Also for diagnosis and treatment in the least time and with the utmost accuracy

The pain of a herniated disc is one of the most severe pains that a person faces. It occurs due to the rupture of the pulpal nucleus of one of the vertebrae, and this happens especially to the fourth or fifth vertebrae in the lower back.

This nucleus pulposus is a gelatinous substance, and it is inside a rough casing. When this substance exits its correct path, a herniated disc occurs.

Herniated disc treatment in Türkiye

This herniated disc causes a lot of disturbances in the nerves in the parts close to this slip. Like numbness and some pain.

But it is possible that a person suffers from a herniated disc without visible symptoms, and this is very dangerous.

What are the types of herniated disc?

  • thoracic.
  • cervical.
  • lumbar;

What are the symptoms of a herniated disc?

  • Sharp pain in the lower back and the pain may reach the lower leg.
  •  Pain after walking for long distances.
  • Sensation of some contractions in the muscles of the legs and back while walking.
  •  The patient cannot stand on his feet much.

This health problem needs a specialist doctor. This is available in our center, and this is because they provide all modern methods of physical therapy, and this is to treat herniated discs of all kinds.

How do we protect ourselves from herniated disc?

This question is circulating among many, and the answer must be known to avoid this problem and the pain caused by a herniated disc. The answer to this question is in the following steps:

  • Attention to adhere to the ideal weight to reduce the load on the back vertebrae.
  • Commit to daily exercise for health.
  • Refrain from the habit of smoking because this bad habit prevents food from reaching the cartilage area, which makes it lose its softness and exposes it to cracking.
  • Use the correct methods when lifting anything from the ground up.
  • And also the correct way while standing, sitting and walking.
  • We put a simple pillow while sitting in the area between the back and the chair.
  • If we put a pillow between the knees when sleeping on one side, we completely protect the back from any slipping.
  • Commitment to a fixed number of hours of sleep, as well as sleeping the right way.
  • Do not sit for long hours on a chair in front of a desk or computer, and many other things. It is necessary to take some time to rest.
  • Take appropriate doses of vitamin B complex because it nourishes the nerve and resists any inflammation in the cartilage while pressing on it.

Herniated disc treatment in Türkiye

Some may imagine that a herniated disc has no cure except with surgery. Where any extra parts that put pressure on the nerves are removed. However, there is a physical therapy that is done in many ways, including some special exercises, to avoid the pain and danger of surgery.

The treatment of a herniated disc is based on constantly reducing pain and numbness and ease of movement for the arms and legs.

Specific exercises are performed by specialized doctors in the hospital, over a period of time determined by the attending physician, to show the results that the patient wants. This is in addition to instructions from the doctor to the patient on how to move in his daily life in a correct manner that does not interfere with the treatment of a herniated disc.

REHABTÜRK doctors set a special system for each patient according to the details of his condition, to regularize the treatment sessions in the appropriate way for the case with some special exercises. In addition to some devices, all of this works to strengthen the lower back muscles, which prevent the patient from slipping again after recovery.

Our center provides massage therapy to relieve pain, in addition to trying to reverse the slip or circulation ( Manipulation ), which is dependence on osteopathy, and it may actually benefit some cases to get rid of the herniated disc and its problems.

It is normal, before starting treatment, to tell the patient about the appropriate treatment and explain the treatment steps for knowledge and because the psychological factor is very important in reaching effective results.

Our doctors advice

The center’s specialized doctors assure that physiotherapy is used in cases of herniated disc in advanced periods. It is much better because long-term cases require a lot of effort in treatment and more time. Accordingly, the center provides awareness campaigns for patients to discover the disease and resort to treatment early in order to get the best treatment in the least time.

REHABTÜRK doctors confirm that the most important thing in this treatment is to move the delicate joint in the upper vertebrae of the cartilage that suffers from slipping. This is to provide a suitable place for nerve movement. And that stage of treatment requires a doctor who is skilled in the field of physical therapy so that he does not make a mistake and cause a bigger health problem.

It should be noted that the work at this stage is not completed until after confirming all the patient’s examinations. It consists of x-rays and magnetic resonance imaging of the case and the exact location of the slip.

This treatment is done in several sessions, up to ten sessions. Access to treatment may be less for some cases, depending on the extent of the injury.

After completing the sessions, the doctor prescribes some exercises for his patient to complete at home and continue to do so to avoid the occurrence of this problem.

Herniated disc treatment exercises

  1.  The patient lies on his face, then raises the upper part and leans on the elbows. And the center area remains on the ground and this exercise is done slowly. And this position continues for about 5 seconds, and with the times of repetition of the exercise, we increase it to reach 30 seconds, and repeat this position 10 times.
  2.  In the same previous position, the patient presses the palms and raises the upper body. The patient remains in this position for about a second, and the repetition is done 10 times.
  3.  When unable to sleep on his face in the previous positions, it is possible to do the same exercise in a standing position, with the back gently bent back, with the palms placed in the waist area.

Important points about exercises

The purpose of any exercises is to strengthen the lower back muscles to be the protective shield for the disc, so the patient avoids the occurrence of a herniated disc again and the feeling of the same pain.

And do not forget that the most important thing that physiotherapists recommend to their patients is patience and perseverance in treatment, exercises, and follow-up with the specialized doctor, and this is to reach recovery and keep it so that the same problem does not occur again.

We receive the most difficult cases, and this is because our hospitals are equipped with the latest nerve stimulation devices, some ultrasound devices, and many other modern devices that contribute greatly to the treatment of a herniated disc.

This is because we are always looking for everything that is new in treatment methods in the world, and this is to ensure the best results for treatment without any health problems and in a short time. So that the patient does not feel bored, as it happens in traditional treatment methods, or a sense of panic and pain, such as surgeries.

Our hospitals provide treatment for herniated disc at reasonable costs compared to other centers and hospitals around the world. Rather, we provide the latest equipment and advanced equipment to support a patient’s treatment plan, not to mention the experience of doctors and their superiority at the world level. Also for diagnosis and treatment in the least time and with the utmost accuracy.

With all that we offer to the patient here, we ask him to adhere to the treatment program determined by the attending physician to reach the desired result.

After that, it is necessary to follow up with the doctor and follow all the instructions that he sets for the patient in terms of movement, exercise, appropriate nutrition, the number of hours of sleep, and the correct postures for walking, sitting, carrying things, and even sleeping, because any defect spoils the treatment and causes the return of the herniated disc.

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