البروفيسورة. الدكتورة.ايلين ارداجيل

البروفيسورة. الدكتورة.ايلين ارداجيل

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البروفيسورة. الدكتورة.ايلين ارداجيل

الاسم: Prof. Dr. Aylin Ardagil

الشهادات العلمية:

الجامعة: كلية الطب هاسيتيب
الإقامة: مستشفى جوزتيبي للتدريب والبحث عيادة طب وجراحة العيون
أستاذ مشارك: جامعة Medeniyet مستشفى Göztepe للتدريب والبحث
عيادة طب وجراحة العيون 2012-2017
رئيس قسم طب وجراحة العيون ، جامعة ميدينية ، مستشفى جوزتيبي للتدريب والبحوث ، 2014-2016
رئيس قسم جراحة الشبكية والجسم الزجاجي في عيادة طب وجراحة العيون مستشفى جامعة مدينية مستشفى جامعة جوزتيبي للتدريب والبحوث ، 2010-2017
قسم جراحة الشبكية والجسم الزجاجي في مستشفى دونيغوز ، 2017-

الخبرات العملية:

رئيس قسم طب وجراحة العيون ، جامعة ميدينية ، مستشفى جوزتيبي للتدريب والبحوث ، 2014-2016
رئيس قسم جراحة الشبكية والجسم الزجاجي في عيادة طب وجراحة العيون مستشفى جامعة مدينية مستشفى جامعة جوزتيبي للتدريب والبحوث ، 2010-2017
قسم جراحة الشبكية والجسم الزجاجي في مستشفى دونيغوز ، 2017-
شهادة علاج اعتلال الشبكية الخداجي ، عيادة مستشفى زكاي طاهر بوراك للأطفال ، 2012

كما قد قامة باجراء اكثر من 17000 جراحة الساد
و 8500 جراحة الشبكية والجسم الزجاجي

الاعتمادات والجوائز:

  • الجمعية الطبية التركية
  • الجمعية التركية لطب العيون
  • جمعية طب وجراحة العيون بالجمهوريات التركية
  • الجمعية التركية لطب العيون ، وحدة جراحة الشبكية والجسم الزجاجي

أفضل درجة ملصق ، 1.المركز -8 المؤتمر الأوروبي لطب وجراحة الأعصاب (EUNOS) ، 26-29 مايو 2007 اسطنبول
أفضل صورة طبية 2- جمعية طب وجراحة العيون التركية ، المؤتمر الوطني الحادي والأربعين ، 2007 أنطاليا
جامعة مدينية SB ، 2012 أفضل ورقة علمية  المركز الاول

المنشورات العلمية:

A1. AA Akçakaya, HH Erbil, A Olgun, A Dolar, EK Göncü, SA Yaylali, HH Horoz. Ocular Angiographic Findings in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 1.Neuro-Ophthalmology (ISI). 2008;32( 3):141-146

A2. S Kavuncu, H Horoz, A Ardagil, HH Erbil .Rimexolone 1% versus prednisolone acetate in preventing early postoperative inflammation after cataract surgery. Int Ophthalmol. 2008; 28:281-285

A3. A Ardagil, SA Yaylalı, HH Erbil,Olgun A,Aslan ZI,Dolar A. The prevalence of anisometropia aniso-astigmatism and amblyopia in neurofibromatosis type 1. Eur J Ophthalmol. (ISI) 2009; 19(3): 470-4

A4. SA Yaylali, AA Akcakaya, HH Erbil, S Salar, Y Karakurt. Optical coherence tomography findings in pseudoxanthoma elasticum. Eur J Ophthalmol. (ISI) 2010;20(2):397-401

A5. AA Akçakaya, S Gökçeer, HH Erbil, N Isik, L Ozdöker, S Salar, F Aykan, T Aydin, SA Yaylali, O Kesim. Detecting retinal vigabatrin toxicity in patients with partial symptomatic or cryptogenic epilepsy .Eur J Ophthalmol. (ISI) 2010 ;20(4):763-769

A6. C Mesci, HH Erbil, A Olgun, N Aydin, B Candemir, AA Akçakaya. Differences in contrast sensitivity between monofocal, multifocal and accommodating intraocular lenses: long-term results. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol, (ISI) 2010 Nov;38(8),768-77.

A7. AA Akçakaya, F Sargin, HH Erbil, S Yazici, SA Yaylali, C Meçsi, S Ergin, K Midilli. A cluster of acute-onset postoperative endophthalmitis over a 1-month period:investigation of an outbreak caused by uncommon species. Br J Ophthalmol. (ISI) 2011; 95(4):481-4

A8. SA Yaylali, AA Akcakaya, N Işik, HH Erbil, A Olgun, Z Aslan, T Kansu. Idiyopathic Hypertrophic Cranial Pachimeningitis Assosiated with Intermediate Uveitis. Neuro-ophthalmolgy. (ISI) 35(2);88-91:2011

A9. AA Akcakaya,SA Yaylali, HH Erbil, F Sadigov, A Aybar, N Aydin, G Akçay, H Acar,C Mesci, H Yetik. Screening for Retinopathy of Prematurity in a Tertiary Hospital in Istanbul: Incidense and Risk Factors. J. Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus. (ISI) 2011 Feb 15.

A10. C Mesci, HH Erbil, Y Karakurt, AA Akçakaya. Deep sclerectomy augmented with combination of absorbable biosynthetic sodium hyaluronate scleral implant and mitomycin-C or with mitomycin-C versus trabeculectomy: long term results. Clin Experimental Ophthalmol. (ISI). 2011 Jun 13.

A11. Akçakaya AA, Sargın F, Erbil HH. HIV-related eye disease in patients presenting to a tertiary care government hospital in Turkey. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. (ISI) 2012 Jun;20(3):158-62.

A12 Ortak H, Demir HD, Mendil D, Söğüt E, Ardagil A.Evaluation of iron, zinc, and copper levels in pterygium tissue.. Jpn J Ophthalmol (ISI) 2012 May;56(3):219-23

A13. Ortak H, Söğüt E, Demir H, Ardagil A. Predictive value of the vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 G-1639A and C1173T single nucleotide polymorphisms in retinal vein occlusion., Benli I, Sahin S. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. (ISI) 2012 Sep-Oct;40

A14. Yaylali SA, Akcakaya AA, Erbil HH . The relationship between optical coherence tomography patterns, angiographic parameters and visual acuity in age-related macular degeneration, Int Ophthalmol. 2012 Feb;32(1):25-30.

A15. Yaylali SA, Sadigov F, Erbil H, Ekinci A, Akcakaya AA. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine retinopathy-related risk factors in a Turkish cohort. Int Ophthalmol. 2013 Mar 2. (Epub ahead of print)

A16.Yılmaz S, Ardagil Akçakaya A, Akaklın İ, Cilioretinal artery: A vasculogenesis might be promoted by plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 5G allele. Ophthalmic Genetics. DOI 10.108/13816810.2016.1253104, Şubat 2017

A17.Ayse Yagmur Kanra, Sevil Ari Yaylali, Ayşe Serap Karadağ, Aylin Ardagil Akçakaya. Acquired perforating collagenosis associated with
ranibizumab injection and succesfully switched to aflibercept, GMS OPthalmology Cases, Ağustos 2018

A18. Simsek BURAK1; Akcakaya Ardagil AYLIN; Koyun Ozsoy ISILAY; Long-term outcomes of Ranibizumab treatment in neovascular age-related macular degeneration International Eye Science 2018;18(3):406-41

A19 Mario R Romano ,Barbara Parolini, Davide Allegrini , Aylin Ardagil Akçakaya. An international collaborative evaluation of central serous chorioretinopathy: different therapeutic approaches and review of literature. The European Vitreoretinal Society central serous chorioretinopathy study, Acta Ophthalmologica, 06 December 2019

B. International presentations

B1. C Mesçi, V Şen, H Ortak, A Ardagil, HH Erbil. 13. Congress of the SOE (European Society of Ophthalmology). “Early results in congenital ptosis repair by direct fixation of stored fascia lata to tarsus and frontalis muscle”. s.339, İstanbul, 2001

B2.AA Akçakaya , SA Yaylali, N Safak, HH Erbil. XIII Afro-Asian Congress of ophthalmology. “Evaluation of anterior chamber lens implantation results in complicates cataract surgery”.s.127-128, Istanbul, 2004

B3. AA Akçakaya, A Olgun, A Dolar, EK Göncü, SA Yaylalı, H Horoz, HH Erbil. 8th European Neuro-ophalmology Society Meeting. “Fundus
fluorescein angiography findings in patients with Neurofibromatosis type-1”. Istanbul, 2007

B4. SA Yaylali, AA Akcakaya, HH Erbil, S Salar. 3rd Mediterranean Retina Meeting “Long term outcomes of retinal pigment epithelial tears assosiated with choroidal neovascular membrane” s.64, Istanbul, 2008

B5. İA Cantürk, ÖA Düz, T Aydin, N Işık, N Yildiz, F Candan, SA Yaylali, AA Akçakaya, H Acar, HH Erbil. World Congress on Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis “Investigation of retinal nerve fiber layer in multiple sclerosis with optical coherence tomography”,s.157, Quebec, Canada, 2008

B6. AA Akçakaya, B Şimşek, I Özsoy, SA Yaylalı. 3-years outcome in ranibizumab treated patients with age related macula degeneration.15th Euretina Congress 17-20 Eylül 2015, Nice

B7. Aylin Ardagil Akcakaya, Ipek Cigdem Coskun, Ayse Yagmur Kanra, Nihat Aydin and Sevil Ari Yaylali. Comparison of Efficacy of Intravitreal Ranibizumab Between Non- vitrectomized and Vitrectomized Eyes with Diabetic Macular Edema: 2-year Results. 17th European Vitreoretinal Society, 14-17 Eylül 2017, Floransa

Book chapters:

C1. AA Akçakaya, SA Yaylalı, HH Erbil. Editörler-PA O’Dwyer, YA Akova. Basic eye diseases ( Refraction devices, biometry, keratometry), s. 33-44, Ankara, Güneş Tıp Kitabevi, 2011

D.Papers published in national indexed journals:

D1. H Horoz,H Bozkır, A Ardagil, HH Erbil. The effect of fako time on the postoperative corneal thickness
T.Oft. Gaz. 2005, 35, 222-226,

D2. AA Akçakaya, SA Yaylalı, A Dolar, HH Erbil.OCT findings in early solar maculopathy Retina-Vitreus; 2006, 14(4):295-298

D3. A Sönmez, HH Erbil, SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, H Acar, Y Karakurt. The relation of FA and OCT findings in diabetic macula edema.Retina-Vitreus; 2007, 15:165-169

D4. SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, H Acar, A Sönmez, N Aydın, HH Erbil.
The role of blood lipid profile in AMD.Retina-Vitreus; 2007, 15:189-192

D5. SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, S Yakut, HH Erbil. An atypical acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy case. Retina-Vitreus; 2007, 15:217-220

D6. L Özdöker, AA Akçakaya, SA Yaylalı, Y Karakurt, HH Erbil.
Fakoemulsification surgery in a patient with Crouzon syndrom.Glokom-Katarakt; 2007, 2:63-65

D7. S Salar, AA Akçakaya, SA Yaylalı, LT Özdöker, HH Erbil. Spontaneous retinal hemorrhages. Spontan retina kanamaları. Turkiye Klinikleri Oftalmoloji; 2007, 16(4):272-274

D8. A Sönmez, SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, C Meçsi, A Dolar, HH Erbil.
OCT findings in retinal arterial obstruction secondary to embolisation .Türkiye Klinikleri Oftalmoloji; 2007,16: 282-284

D9. AD Bilge, AA Akçakaya, SA Yaylalı, HH Erbil. Subconjuctival bleeding secondary to scuba diving .T.Oft. Gaz; 2008, 38, 446-448

D10. A Sönmez, SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, B Candemir, S Salar, HH Erbil. OCT findings in retinal arterial branch occlusion .Retina-Vitreus; 2008, 16:63-67

D11.S Salar, LT Özdöker, AA Akçakaya, SA Yaylalı, HH Erbil.
Optic atrophy secondary to vigabatrin: OCT analyses
Retina-Vitreus; 2008, 17:213-216

D12. C Mesçi, S Yakut, A Ardagil, AD Bilge, A Olgun, S Salar, HH Erbil. Postoperatve visual functions after implantation of Difractive and refractive multifocal intraocular lenses .Türkiye Klinikleri Ophthalmoloji; 2010, 19(1), 13-19

D13. AGING AND EYE. Meltem Altınel, A A Akçakaya. Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 29( Ek sayı 2):110-115,2013

D14 .Akçakaya AA, Sargın F, Aslan Zİ, Sevimli N, Sadigov F. (2014)External ophthalmomyiasis seen in a patient from Istanbul. Türkiye Parazitol Dergisi 38:205-207

D15.Ekinci A., Ardagil Akçakaya A, Arı Yaylalı S, Sadigof F. Premature Retinopathy:Four year screening results, Okmeydanı Tıp Dergisi 31(2): 75-81, 2015

D16. Şimşek B, Ardagil Akçakaya A, Yaylalı S, Özsoy S.
Comparison of cataract surgery vs combined cataract surgery and intravitreal ranibisumab injection in patients with diabetic macular edema. Medeniyet Medical Journal 31-2 ;105-109, 2016

D17. Ayşe Yağmur Kanra, Aylin Ardagil Akçakaya, Sevil Arı Yaylalı, Melten Güzin Altınel, Neslihan Sevimli. Intraocular pressure changes after intravitreal Dexamethason implant. Retina-Vitreus, 26 (1),2017

D18. Ayşe Yağmur Kanra, Sevil Arı Yaylalı Aylin Ardagil Akçakaya, , Melten Güzin Altınel. Treatmet of resistant diabetic macular edema with dexamethasone implant. Retina-Vitreus, 26 (3),2017

D19. Ayse Yagmur KANRA , Meltem Guzin ALTINEL , Sevil Arı YAYLALI, Aylin Ardagil AKCAKAYA . A Six-month Experience with Dexamethasone Implant for Recurrent Macular Edema Secondary to Retinal Vein Occlusion . BOGAZICI TIP DERGISI; 2017; 4 (1):

D20. Neslihan Sevimli1, Aylin Ardagil Akçakaya. Epiretinal membrane surgery results .BOGAZICI TIP DERGISI; 2017,121-128,

D21 YAĞMUR KANRA, Ayşe; ARDAGİL AKÇAKAYA, Aylin; ARI YAYLALI, Sevil; Short-term Response to Pro Re Nata Regimen of Aflibercept in Refractory Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration
with Pigment Epithelial Detachment. Journal of Retina-Vitreous . Sep 2018, Vol. 27 Issue 3, p245-250.

D22. Ali Olgun, Aylin Ardagil Akcakaya, Dilek Guven .
Comparison of konjuctival autogreft and primary excision in pterigium surgery Bosphorus Med J 2019;6(1):14–17

D23. KANRA, Ayşe Yağmur; YAYLALI, Sevil Arı; ALTINEL, Meltem Güzin; USLU, Haşim; ARDAGİL AKÇAKAYA, Aylin The Assessment of Intravitreal Aflibercept in Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration with Pigment Epithelium Detachment in Treatment Naive and Switched Patients. Journal of Retina-Vitreous . dec 2019, Vol. 28 Issue 4, p368-374.

E. Presentations and posters presented in national meetings:

E1. AA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, A Sönmez, H Acar, HH Erbil. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 40.National Congress “Photodynamic treatment results in exudative age related macula degeneration”, s.341, Antalya, 2006

E2. SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, S Yakut S, Aydın N, Erbil HH. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 40.National Congress “APMPPE case with serous macula detachment”, s.351, Antalya, 2006

E3. AA Akçakaya, SA Yaylalı, A Olgun, A Dolar, H Horoz, HH Erbil. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 40.National Congress “Retinal
microvascular abnormalities in patients with Neurofibromatosis type 1”, s.283 Antalya, 2006

E4. AA Ardagil, SA Yaylalı, A Sönmez, Y Karakurt, H Acar, HH Erbil. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 40.National Congress “ Intravitreal triamsinolone and argon laser treatment in patients with macular edema secondary to retinal vein branch occlusion’’,s.364, Antalya, 2006

E5. SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, H Acar, A Sönmez, N Aydın, HH Erbil. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 41.National Congress “ Serum lipid profile in patients with AMD”, S. 242, Antalya, 2007

E6. S Salar, L Özdöker, Y Karakurt, S Yaylalı, A Ardagil, H Erbil. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 42.National Congress “ RNLF in healthy turkish individuals”, s.92, Antalya, 2008

E7. A Olgun, B Candemir, S Salar, S Yaylalı, A Ardagil, HH Erbil. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 42.National Congress “ Preseptal cellulitis in a patient with nasopharingeal cancer’’, s.304, Antalya, 2008

E8. SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, N Işık, HH Erbil, A Olgun, Z Aslan, T Kansu. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 42.National Congress “Cystoid macular edema in a patient with Idiopathic hypertrophic cranial pachimeningitis”, s. 331, Antalya, 2008

E9. N Aydın, AA Akçakaya, SA Yaylalı, G Akçay, A Aybar, H Yetik, H Acar, HH Erbil. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 42.National Congress “Risk factors and screening results in patients with ROP”, s.452, Antalya, 2008

E10. SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, HH Erbil, B Candemir, H Acar. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 40.National Congress “The relation of visual acuity with FA and OCT findings in exudative type AMD”, s.455, Antalya, 2008

E11. AD Bilge, C Mesçi, A Olgun, B Candemir, AA Akçakaya, HH Erbil. TOD 43.Ulusal Kongresi “Long term results of the comparison between patients implanted with bilateral accomodative intraocular lenses vs patients with monofocal intraocular lenses”, s.130, Antalya, 2009

E12. SA Yaylalı , AA Akçakaya, HH Erbil, C Mesçi, G Akçay, F Sargın, S Yazıcı. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 43.National Congress “Postoperative endoftalmitis after cataract surgery caused by cellilosi mikrobium cellulans”, s.340, Antalya, 2009

E13. AD Bilge, C Mesçi, AA Akçakaya,HH Erbil. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 43.National Congress “Surgical method for secondary ptosis after CPEO”, s.361, Antalya, 2009

E14. SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, H Erbil, S Salar, F Sadıgov, Z Aslan, C Mesçi. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 43.National Congress “ Six month results of combined intravitreal bevacizumab and photodynamic laser treatment of exudative AMD”, s.407, Antalya, 2009

E15. A Olgun, C Mesçi, HH Erbil, G Akçay, AA Akçakaya, SA Yaylalı. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 44.National Congress
“Ultrasonic biomicroscobic findings in patients who had deep sclerectomy combined with Mitomisin C”. S.90, Antalya, 2010.

E16. C Mesçi, HH Erbil, N Aydın, SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 44.National Congress “Diurnal IOP in patients switched to timolol from bimatoprost and latanoprost -timolol combination” ,s. 93, Antalya, 2010

E17. C Mesçi, G Akçay, HH Erbil, F Sadigov, AA Akçakaya, SA Yaylalı. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 44.National Congress “Cataract surgery results in patients with PEX”, s.274, Antalya, 2010

E18. A Ardagil, HH Erbil, M Özkan, A Olgun, SA Yaylalı, C Mesçi. TOD 44.Ulusal Kongresi “Childhood ocular trauma”, s.308, Antalya, 2010

E19. A Ardagil, SA Yaylalı, HH Erbil, A Aybar A, F Sadigov, C Mesçi, H Yetik. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 44.National Congress TOD
“ Premature Retinopathy: Incidence and risk faktors”, s.308-309, Antalya, 2010

E20. A Olgun, SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, HH Erbil, C Mesçi, F Sadigov. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 44.National Congress “Demographic findings and ethiology of patients with CNVM ”, s.313, Antalya, 2010

E21. SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya,HH Erbil, C Mesçi, F Sadigov. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 44.National Congress “Functional and
morfological findings after ranibizumab loading dose for exudative AMD”, s. 433, Antalya, 2010

E22. F Sadigov, AD Bilge, AA Akçakaya, HH Erbil. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 44.National Congress “Lateral rectus paralyses after cosmetic injection of Botinum A toxin”, s. 448-449, Antalya, 2010

E23. HH Erbil, AA Akçakaya, SA Yaylalı, A Olgun, A Aybar, F Sadigov, C Mesçi, H Horoz. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 44.National Congress “Anatomic and functional results of patients operated for regmatogenous retinal detachment”, s. 479, Antalya, 2010

E24. F Sadigov, SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, HH Erbil, C Mesçi. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 44.National Congress “Bilateral peripallary CNVM in patient with Sarcoidosis”, s.519, Antalya, 2010

E25. SA Yaylalı, AA Akçakaya, HH Erbil, F Sadigov, A Küpeli, C Mesçi. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 45.National Congress “ One year results in patients treated with Ranibizumab for Exudative AMD”, s.525, Girne, KKTC, 2011

E26. SA Yaylalı, HH Erbil, F Sadigov, A Ekinci, AA Akçakaya, A Öcal, C Mesçi. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 45.National Congress “Three cases of Kloroquin and hidroksikloroquin retinopathy”, s. 525-526. Girne, KKTC 2011

E 27. Arı Yaylalı S, Erbil H, Sadigov F, Ekinci A, Ardagil Akçakaya A. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 46.National Congress
"Screening for Kloroquin and hidroksikloroquin retinopathy with Spektral Domain OCT " SÖZ-TR-260,s.186,Antalya,17-21 Ekim 2012

E28. Arı Yaylalı S, Sadigov F, Erbil H, Ekinci A, Ardagil Akçakaya A. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 46.National Congress "Risk factors for Kloroquin and hidroksikloroquin retinopathy " POS-588,s.409, Antalya,17-21 Ekim 2012

E29. Ünlüzeybek M, Ardagil Akçakaya A, , Sadigov F, Akalın I, Bayramlar H, Erbil H, Arı Yaylalı S. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 46.National Congress " FEVR in a patient with Neurofibromatosis type 1 " POS-042,s.223,Antalya,17-21 Ekim 2012

E30.Dağ Y, Ardagil Akçakaya A, Erbil H, Bayramlar H, Arı Yaylalı S, Sadigov A, Öçal A. "Altıncı kraniyal sinir paralizisi birlikteliğinde optik disk druzeni olan bir olguda papil ödemle karışan optik disk druzeni" POS-042,s.224,Antalya,17-21 Ekim 2012

E31. Sadigov F, Küpeli A, Arı Yaylalı S, Dolar Bilge A, Ardagil Akçakaya A, Erbil H, Bayramlar H. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 46.National Congress "Grid laser results in patients with DME" POS-265,s.299, Antalya,17-21 Ekim 2012

E32. Öçal A, Ardagil Akçakaya A, Sadigov F, Altınel M G, Sönmez A, Arı Yaylalı S, Dağ Y, Bayramlar H, Erbil H. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 46.National Congress "Sudden visual loss socondary to occipital encefalitis in an eight month child " POS-447,s.361, Antalya,17-21 Ekim 2012

E33.Öçal A, Arı Yaylalı S, Akçakaya Ardagil A, Sadigov F, Dağ Y, Bayramlar H, Erbil H. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 46.National Congress ‘Systemic risk factors for exudative AMD’. POS-458, Antalya,17-21 Ekim 2012

E34.-Sadigov F, Öçal A, Erbil H, Akçakaya Ardagil A, Aydın B, Dağ Y, Bayramlar H, Arı Yaylalı S. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 46.National Congress Pigmented congenital vitreus cyst. POS-519, Antalya,17-21 Ekim 2012

E35-Dağ Y, Sadigov F, Arı Yaylalı S, Dumanlı H, Erbil H, Bayramlar H, Ardagil A, Özkan M, Öçal A. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 46.National Congress .Measurement of central corneal thickness with three dimentional spektral domain OCT .POS-544, Antalya,17-21 Ekim 2012

E36- A Ardagil, AY Karna, MG Atik. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 47.National Congress, Short term results of Ozurdex Implant (PS-0938). 6-10 Kasım 2013, Antalya

E37- M Unlüzeybek, R Karadağ, A A Akçakaya Turkish Ophthalmology Society 47.National Congres ‘Endophthalmitis after Ex-press shunt implantation for glaucoma surgery’. 6-10 Kasım 2013, Antalya

E38- M Özkan, R Karadağ, H Bayramlar, A A Akçakaya. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 47.National Congress ‘Bilateral CNVM in a patient with Pseudoxanthoma elasticum ‘47 Ulusal Oftalmoloji kongresi. 6-10 Kasım 2013, Antalya

E39- Y Dağ, A A Akçakaya, S yaylalı . Turkish Ophthalmology Society 47. National Congress ‘Acute leukemia patient presenting with CRVO’. 6-10 Kasım 2013, Antalya

E40- Neslihan Sevimli, Aylin Ardagil . Turkish Ophthalmology Society 47.National Congress ‘Hemorragic retinopathy secondary to Herpes virus infection’. 6-10 Kasım 2013, Antalya

E41- MG Altınel, A Ardagil A Öçal . Turkish Ophthalmology Society 47.National Congress ‘Risk factors for serous PED rupture in patients with CNVM. 6-10 Kasım 2013, Antalya

E42- Sarenur Yılmaz, AA Akçakaya, İbrahim Akalın . Effect of PAI—1 5G Allel Varyant on ethiopathogenesis of cilioretinal artery. Syposium of genetic diseases 06-07 Aralık 2013, İstanbul

E43. Sevil Arı Yaylalı, Efe Koyun, Meltem Altınel, Burak Şimşek, Aylin Ardagil Akçakaya, Hasan Erbil. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 48 .National Congress . ‘Functional and morfological changes after Ranibizumab loading dose in patients with DME ‘Antalya 5-9 Kasım 2014

E44.Efe Koyun, Aylin Ardagil Akçakaya, Sevil Arı Yaylalı, Işılay Özsoy, Hüseyin Bayramlar, Hasan Hasbi Erbil. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 48.National Congress ‘Branch retinal artery and CRVO developement after migraine attach ‘Antalya, 5-9 Kasım 2014

E45.Neslihan Sevimli, Sevil Arı Yaylalı, Aylin Ardagil Akçakaya, Hasan Hasbi Erbil, Hüseyin Bayramlar. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 48.National Congress ‘Non infectious uveitis cases after Intravitreal Ranibizumab injection’ Antalya, 5-9 Kasım 2014

E46.Kanra AY, Arı Yaylalı S, Ardagil Akçakaya A, Altınel MG. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 49.National Congress ‘Short term results of intravitreal Dexamethasone implant in patients with resistant DME’ PS-0722, Kasım 2015

E47.Kanra AY, Arı Yaylalı S, Ardagil Akçakaya A, Karadağ AS, Zemheri IE,Altınel MG. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 49.National Congress ’Rare systemic side effect of İntravitreal Ranibizumab verified with biopsy’. PS-0746, Kasım 2015

E48.Arı Yaylalı S, Şimşek B, Seviml N, Koyun E, Ardagil Akçakaya A. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 49.National Congress ‘Posterior segment OCT findings in PEX ‘PS-0856, Kasım 2015

E49.Bromand N, Arı Yaylalı S, Şimşek B, Ardagil Akçakaya A. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 49.National Congress Macular edema secondary to Idiopathic papillpflebitis treated with intravitreal Ranibizumab. PS-1036, Kasım 2015

E50.Ardagil A, Arı Yaylalı S, Bromount B, Kanra Y. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 49.National Congress Heavy silicon as a tamponade in the treatment of pediatric retinal detachmet after penetrating ocular trauma. PS-1059, Kasım 2015

E51.Ardagil A, Arı Yaylalı S, Koyun E, Altınel MG. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 49.National Congress ’ Retinal detachment after trauma with Nerf bullet’. PS-1074, Kasım 2015

E52.Ardagil A, Aydın N, Yaylalı S, Kanra AY, Demirok A. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 50.National Congress ‘Long term results of intravitreal ranibizumab for DME in vitectomised patients’. PS-0963, Kasım 2016

E53.Özsoy Koyun I, , Yaylalı S, Ardagil A, Demirok A. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 50.National Congress ‘Branch RAO developement during the follow up for CRVO in a diabetic patient. PS-0904, Kasım 2016

E54. Yaylalı S,Kılıc G,Simsek B, Ardagil A, Kanra AY, Demirok A. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 50.National Congress ‘Functional and morfological results in AMD patients who switched from intravitreal Ranibizumab to Aflibercept treatment’ PS-0879, Kasım 2016

E55. Kanra AY, Ardagil A, Yaylalı S. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 50.National Congress.’Short term results of patients with AMD and serous PED treated with Aflibercept’ 50.Ulusal Oftalmoloji kongresi PS-0802, Kasım 2016

E56. Simsek B, Ardagil A, Ozsoy Koyun I. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 50.National Congress ‘Long term results of Fotodynamic therapy for neovascular AMD’ PS-0730, Kasım 2016

E57.Altınel M,Kanra A, Ardagil A, Buyru Ozkurt Y, Yaylalı S. Turkish Ophthalmology Society 50.National Congress ‘Comparison of Ranibizumab ve Aflibercept for treatment of neovascular AMD combined with PED ‘PS-0709, Kasım 2016

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