If you are planning treatment in Türkiye

REHABTÜRK is the largest medical network in Türkiye, including dozens of hospitals, health centers and clinics

We cover all medical disciplines

Our network of doctors and hospitals allows us to choose the best treatment at the lowest possible cost

Why should you choose us for treatment in Türkiye?

No hospital in the world, regardless of its capabilities, can treat all cases with the same efficiency, so we gathered the hospitals and doctors of Türkiye in one medical network to provide the most efficient treatments at the lowest prices.

The largest health care networks with a large number of hospitals and health centers

Accommodating all medical cases due to the comprehensive range of specialties

کوادر محترفة جاهزة ﻋﻠﯽ مدار الساعة

Professional staff ready around the clock

Remote diagnosis with the fastest possible response time

تحدید تکلفة العلاج مسبقاً

Provide an estimate of the cost of treatment in advance


All initial consultation services are free of charge

التحدث بلغة المریض

Speak the patient’s language

Strict privacy policy for handling patient files

تسجیل الملفات الطبیة ضمن نظام مؤتمت

Recording medical files within an automated system

المساعدة في إجراءات إنهاء الفیزا والقدوم إلی ترکیا

Assistance in the procedures for terminating the visa and coming to Türkiye


Securing logistical arrangements and accommodation


Follow up with the patient until he recovers

Why do you have treatment in Türkiye?

كلفة العلاج

1 + low cost of treatment

Examples of treatment costs between Türkiye and some countries

We are part of a large medical institution in Türkiye, and we have been serving our patients for more than 10 years. We have strong partnerships with major medical institutions in Türkiye and outside Türkiye.

More than 200 hospitals, medical centers, and clinics, and a large number of doctors and nurses.

All in one healthcare network


See patient experiences

Directory of doctors

 Dr. Ergin Er
 Prof. Dr. Adile Berna DURSUN
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Turan AYDIN

All hospitals in REHABTÜRK HEALTHCARE PROVIDER NETWORK have international quality privileges, including

Success Partners

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