Dental veneers in Türkiye, steps and results

Dental veneer is the comprehensive coverage of a damaged or fractured tooth with the aim of improving its appearance and restoring the tooth’s structure and structure in terms of its natural size and shape.

It is one of the operations that take place under the supervision of specialized doctors. Sometimes called a crown, the process consists of placing a cap over the damaged tooth so that it is completely covered.

The main goal of this process is to restore the teeth to their normal size and shape. It also greatly helps in strengthening the teeth and improving their external appearance.

Dental veneers

Many people may resort to undergoing a dental crowning process, desiring to obtain bright white teeth like that enjoyed by celebrities.

However, most of the people who undergo this process are the ones who suffered a fracture in it, especially in the front teeth.

Reasons for performing dental surgeries

  • Covering the  dental implant  process in its initial stages, so the titanium screws do not appear.
  • Repairing and restoring the damaged tooth, and facilitating the process of chewing food through it.
  • Beautification of yellow, discolored teeth as a result of excessive smoking.
  • Assistance in erecting bridges.
  • Filling the void resulting from the fracture of the tooth during its treatment, and the failure of the fillings to close the void resulting from this fracture.
  • Protecting teeth that have already been broken or cracked in one of their parts from the crack or fracture multiplying later.
  • Pre-protection of teeth from exposure to fracture or crack.

The importance of dental dressing

  1. Dental veneers are a necessary procedure. Especially in cases of protecting teeth during their treatment periods, the damaged teeth are covered with teeth to protect them from decay or infection.
  2. Dental dressing is an alternative and effective solution to tooth extraction in case it is damaged.
  3. Dental dressing operations are sometimes resorted to in order to install a bridge over a group of teeth.

Important procedures before the dressing process

There are some procedures that need to be taken in the event that people are subject to the process of crowning the teeth, the most important of which are:

  • Taking x-rays and photographing a panoramic image of the teeth to ensure the condition of the teeth and carrying out all necessary and necessary treatments before the dental crowning process.
  • Make a model of the structure of the tooth by casting a structure from an artificial material that will then harden. for both the upper and lower jaw. So that the size templates are taken to restore the teeth, know the size and shape of the teeth, and determine the distance to be covered by the crown.
  • As for those who suffer from blood clotting disorders, blood clotting functions should be tested first.
  • And for people who have a sick history such as heart disease and inflammation of the heart valves. The doctor must be informed before starting the dental dressing process, in order to take the necessary precautions and take antibiotics before taking any dental treatment.

How is the dental crowning process performed?

The process of crowning the teeth depends on several successive stages that work to strengthen the teeth and improve their aesthetic appearance. These stages are:

First visit

Tooth dressing requires going to the doctor twice. In each visit, a number of important steps are taken, and in the first visit, the following is done:

  • First, the extent of damage to the teeth is determined. And he studies the teeth completely in order to become qualified for the dental crowning process.
  • The second and most important step is for the doctor to make a dental layer. And he sends it to a specialized laboratory to make the crown. This step is useful in determining the shape and size of the teeth and the actual spaces that need to be covered.
  • At the end of the first visit, the doctor will place a temporary crown. The importance of this crown is to cover the teeth that have been drilled, and it also protects them from movement until it is time to install another crown.

Second visit

After completing the first visit, the doctor sets a time for the second visit, and during this visit the following steps are taken:

  • In the beginning, the doctor performs a complete dental restoration in a medical way.
  • After completing the cold process, the doctor makes an impression of the gums and teeth, and it is sent to the laboratory to make the permanent crown.
  • The temporary crown is fitted again until the permanent crown comes in.
  • When the permanent crown is ready, the temporary crown is replaced.

The period of use of a permanent dental crown

Dental crowns or permanent crowns can be used for a period ranging from five to fifteen years. But the length of the period of use depends mainly on the extent of dental care. And also relying on sound health methods in daily care of it, and finally taking care of the crown itself.

There are some necessary procedures after performing the dental crowning process that must be taken, and perhaps the most important of them are:

  • Periodic cleaning of the teeth to avoid decay.
  • Mouthwash with water and salt to reduce periodontal tissue.

Dental damage

Despite the many advantages of the dental crowning process, it may expose the patient to a number of the following damages:

  • Sensitivity: Dental veneers cause sensitivity, and this is because preparing for this process requires carving the entire tooth, and thus it is easy to expose it to sensitivity.
  • Bad breath : There is an existing complaint from people who underwent dental crowning, and that complaint is the bad smell of the mouth. This results from an error in the process of installing the crown, so that there is a vacuum between it and the original teeth, which causes the accumulation of food between them, and thus, with time, produces an unpleasant odor in the mouth.
  • Bacterial infection: This infection appears in rare cases of people who undergo dental crowning, but it can be very dangerous if the infection reaches the bloodstream, and then it will mainly reach the heart valve.
  • Bleeding: Here, the person undergoing the dental crowning operation may suffer continuous bleeding immediately after the operation, and this results from the exposure of the gums to a negative effect after the installation process, especially if they are weak.
  • The dangers of anesthesia: Although dental operations are performed by undergoing local anesthesia, in some cases it causes a sharp drop in blood circulation, and thus exposure to a severe drop in blood pressure .
  • • Many other risks: The process of crowning teeth may cause the patient to suffer rare problems, foremost of which is the loss of the sense of taste, either in whole or in part.

Treatment after dental implants

After completing this dental crown, the patient must wait for at least two hours until the anesthesia is gone. Then he can eat and drink with ease.

But in the event of feeling any pain immediately, an effective type of analgesic is requested from the attending physician to calm the matter.

It is worth noting that it will only take one day, and then things will go as normal. In order to get the best results after undergoing the dental crowning process, full care must be provided to it on a daily basis.

Sometimes the doctor may ask the patient to use salt water because it greatly helps to clean the teeth and protect them from bleeding.

Finally, at the time of feeling severe toothache or a sudden rise in temperature immediately, you can go to the attending physician and he will take the necessary measures.

The need to choose a specialized dentist clinic

Dentists are widely spread everywhere, but at the time of exposure to any dental problem or the desire to make dental crowns immediately, you can go to one of the specialized doctors. You can ask relatives and friends to recommend a specialist.

Hygiene and complete care must be taken into account in the place, because non-sterile dentist tools harm a lot and expose the patient to infection that is difficult to provide treatment for.

Also, with regard to choosing the material through which the teeth are covered, it is necessary to choose an effective, high-quality material so that it does not cause damage after a short period of installation.

We inform you that high-quality dental coating materials such as zircon and porcelain are characterized by high cost, but they remain for a longer period.

And when you preserve it and follow the doctor’s instructions, it will remain for as long as possible. This is all about the dental crowning process. You can try this process if you suffer from any dental problem.

Where can you perform dental implants?

You can perform dental crowning operations in one of the medical centers in Türkiye, as it is famous for having the best modern medical equipment in addition to the availability of qualified doctors. He has long experience in the field of modern dentistry. This is in addition to the fact that the material cost of dental veneers is the least expensive in the world.

How can I book for in Türkiye?

Treatment in Türkiye
  • Free medical support on the phone: You will have a dedicated representative for your health condition who is always ready to answer your questions.
  • Free consultation with a specialist doctor: Your medical representative will consult with a number of doctors and hospitals to find the best possible treatments.
  • Free travel visa arrangement: We will contact the embassy in your country to assist you in obtaining a visa to visit Türkiye.
  • Free itinerary planning: We will create a schedule for your medical trip to Türkiye.
  • Free translation of documents and reports: We will translate medical documents and reports into Turkish on your behalf.
  • Free support and monitoring: We will monitor the stages of treatment and be by your side every step of the way.
  • Free instant translation: We will be with you during the treatment stages to provide translation between you and the medical team.
  • Free accommodation and transportation coordination: We will book accommodation for you and your companions in Türkiye, along with transportation services.

Contact REHABTÜRK doctors for more information about the procedure and to evaluate your medical condition.

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