IVF in Türkiye

in vitro fertilization (IVF)

Today, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the buzzword. But not so long ago, it was the mysterious procedure of infertility that produced what was then known as “test-test-test-baby”. 

How is fertilization done in the laboratory?

Unlike the simpler process of IVF — where sperm are placed in the uterus and pregnancy occurs naturally — in vitro fertilization involves merging eggs and sperm outside the body in a laboratory. Once in the form of an embryo or embryos, it is then placed in the uterus.

 In vitro insemination is a complex and expensive procedure; Only about 5% of infertile couples seek it.

IVF in Türkiye

What are the causes of infertility treated by IVF in Türkiye?

When it comes to infertility, IVF may be an option if you or your partner have been diagnosed with:

  • Endometrial
  • Low sperm count
  • Problems with the uterus or fallopian tubes
  • Ovulation problems
  • Problems with antibodies that damage sperm or eggs
  • Inability of sperm to penetrate or remain in the cervical mucus
  • Poor egg quality
  • Genetic disease of the mother or father
  • Unexplained fertility problem

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is never the first step in treating infertility, except in cases of complete tube blockage. Instead, it is reserved for cases where other methods such as fertility drugs, surgery, and IVF have not worked.

If you think that IVF may be beneficial for you, then contact our doctors before undergoing this procedure. Here are some questions to ask when you visit us at a fertility clinic:

  • What is your pregnancy rate in embryo transfer?
  • What is your pregnancy rate for couples in our age group and with our fertility problem?
  • What is the live birth rate for all couples who undergo this procedure?
  • How many of those births are twins or other multiple births?
  • How much will the procedure cost, including the cost of hormonal treatments?
  • How much does it cost to store embryos and how long can we store them?

What can I expect from IVF?

The first step in IVF involves injecting hormones into the wife, to produce multiple eggs each month instead of one egg, then you are tested to determine if you are ready to retrieve the eggs.

Before the retrieval procedure, you will be given an injection of a medication that will mature the developing eggs and begin the ovulation process. timing matters; The eggs must be retrieved just before they are released from the ovaries. 

If the eggs are released too early or too late, they will not develop normally. Your doctor may perform blood tests or an ultrasound to make sure the eggs are at the correct stage of development before retrieving them.

 The hospital will provide you with special instructions to follow the night before the day of the procedure. Most women are given pain medication and choose the option of light sedation or complete anesthesia.

During the procedure, your doctor will locate the eggs in your ovaries with ultrasound and remove them with a hollow needle. The procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes, but can take up to an hour.

Immediately after retrieval, the eggs will be mixed in the laboratory with your husband’s sperm, which he had donated on the same day.

While you and your partner return home, the fertilized eggs are kept in the clinic under observation to ensure optimal development. 

You may wait up to five days for the embryo to reach the more advanced blastocyst stage.

Once the embryos are ready, doctors will transfer one or more of these embryos into the uterus. This procedure is faster and easier than egg retrieval. 

The doctor will insert a flexible tube called a catheter through the vagina and cervix into the uterus, where the embryos will be deposited. 

To increase the chances of pregnancy, most IVF experts recommend transferring up to three embryos at a time. However, this means that you could have a multiple pregnancy, which can increase the health risks for you and your babies.

After the procedure, you will usually stay in bed for several hours and be discharged after four to six hours. Your doctor will likely perform a pregnancy test about two weeks after the embryo transfer.

In cases where a man’s sperm count is very low or there is poor motility (sperm movement), doctors may combine IVF with a procedure called intracytoplasmic sperm injection. 

In this procedure, sperm is taken from the semen – or in some cases directly from the testicles – and inserted directly into an egg . Once a viable embryo is produced, it is transferred to the uterus using the usual IVF procedure.

What are the success rates of test tube baby?

IVF success rates depend on a number of factors, including the cause of infertility, where the procedure was performed, and your age.

  • The global percentage is that pregnancy is achieved on average in 27.3% of all cycles (higher or lower depending on the age of the woman).
  • The global percentage of cycles resulting in live births is 22.2% on average (higher or lower depending on the age of the woman).
  • Success rates in one of the centers of REHABTÜRK reached 80%, which is the third highest success rate in the world.

Embryo freezing

Any embryos you don’t use for your first IVF attempt can be frozen for later use. This will save you money if you undergo IVF a second or third time. If you do not want the remaining embryos, you and your partner can ask the clinic to destroy the embryos. You and your partner must agree before the clinic destroys the embryos.

The woman’s age is a major factor in the success of IVF for any couple. For example, a woman under 35 undergoing IVF has a 39.6% chance of having a baby, while a woman over 40 has an 11.5% chance. However, the increased chances of success depend on the clinic, the techniques and the medical staff who perform the entire procedure.

What are the costs of IVF in Türkiye?

The average cost of an IVF cycle in Türkiye is around $2,500-3,000 while the average cost of an IVF cycle in the US is $12,400.

How can I book for IVF in Türkiye?

Treatment in Türkiye
  • Free medical support on the phone: You will have a dedicated representative for your health condition who is always ready to answer your questions.
  • Free consultation with a specialist doctor: Your medical representative will consult with a number of doctors and hospitals to find the best possible treatments.
  • Free travel visa arrangement: We will contact the embassy in your country to assist you in obtaining a visa to visit Türkiye.
  • Free itinerary planning: We will create a schedule for your medical trip to Türkiye.
  • Free translation of documents and reports: We will translate medical documents and reports into Turkish on your behalf.
  • Free support and monitoring: We will monitor the stages of treatment and be by your side every step of the way.
  • Free instant translation: We will be with you during the treatment stages to provide translation between you and the medical team.
  • Free accommodation and transportation coordination: We will book accommodation for you and your companions in Türkiye, along with transportation services.

Contact REHABTÜRK doctors for more information about the procedure and to evaluate your medical condition.

Request a Free Consultation.

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