Magnetic field therapy in Türkiye

The human body and the earth naturally produce electric and magnetic fields, and those same waves can be applied to the human body using different types of magnets.

There are many types of magnetic field therapy, including:

Magnetic field therapy in Türkiye

Static magnetic field therapy : In this type, magnets are placed in direct contact with the skin. For example, wearing something similar to a bracelet and of a magnetic nature around the wrist, or it can also be in the form of jewelry, and it can also be a bandage with magnets, or a magnet may be worn in the form of a shoe sole. Or sleep on a comfortable mattress pad that contains magnets inside. The person here is able to choose the appropriate or comfortable method for him.

Electrically charged magnetic therapy also known as (electromagnetic therapy): The magnets we use here contain an electric charge. The electric charge usually comes in the form of pulses.

Magnetically charged acupuncture treatment : It is another form of magnetic therapy. In this type of treatment, the person is subjected to magnetic needles that are focused on a specific energy area of ​​the body and implemented by a specialist.

How does magnetic field therapy work?

The human body naturally contains magnetic and electric energy fields. Within every molecule of the body there is a small amount of magnetic energy. The idea behind magnetic field therapy is that some problems are caused by an imbalance between the magnetic fields. If a magnetic field is placed near the human body, it is believed that things will return to normal.

In general, ions such as calcium and potassium that are naturally present in the cells of the body help to transmit signals. In numerous tests by specialized scientists, it was found that magnets change the way these ions work. 

Why magnetic therapy?

Most magnetic field therapy is a good treatment option for different types of pain, such as foot and back pain, and pain associated with arthritis. It also helps heal wounds faster and helps relieve insomnia and headaches. Care must be taken not to undergo magnetic field therapy while a pacemaker or insulin pump is present . Also, any magnets must be removed prior to an X-ray or MRI.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in REHABTÜRK can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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