Treatment for ulnar nerve injury in Türkiye

Treatment for ulnar nerve injury in Türkiye is conducted at one of the specialized hospitals within REHABTÜRK HEALTHCARE PROVIDER NETWORK, which focuses on nerve, brain, and joint treatments.

The ulnar nerve is a complex bundle of nerves that originates from the spinal cord in the neck and extends to the shoulders and arms.

While it is possible to injure the ulnar nerve without even realizing it, the consequences can include temporary numbness in your arm, pain, loss of sensation, or even paralysis. “Typically, patients have no idea about their severe ulnar nerve injury. They know their hand or arm is not functioning properly, but often they are unaware of the cause, and there might be a way to address the issue.

If surgery is necessary, it should be scheduled within six months after the injury. Waiting for more than six months decreases the chances of a successful operation.

Treatment for ulnar nerve injury in Türkiye

What is ulnar nerve injury?

Ulnar nerve injuries usually affect only one side of the body. The severity of the injury can depend on several factors, including the force of the impact and the number of nerves affected.

Common symptoms may include:

  • Numbness
  • Altered ability to move one or both shoulders, arms, or hands
  • Weakness or paralysis in the arm or hand
  • Neck, arm, or hand pain
  • Electric shock-like sensation radiating down one arm

Even if your symptoms seem mild, it is important to consult with your doctor. If you wait too long and find that you require surgery, delaying it can make a difference in your recovery.

How is ulnar nerve injury diagnosed?

  • A hand surgeon will conduct a physical examination of your arm and hand and inquire about your symptoms.
  • Imaging techniques such as CT scans or MRI scans are essential.
  • Another test called electromyography involves inserting a needle electrode into various muscles to check the electrical activity of any damaged nerves.
  • Another test called nerve conduction study can be used to measure the speed of electrical impulses through those nerves, determining the extent of damage.

Can ulnar nerve injury be treated without surgery?

Mild injuries can be corrected with physical therapy, which can help with range of motion and stiffness. Depending on the severity of the problem, you should be prepared for a recovery period that may last weeks or months.

What is the surgical treatment for ulnar nerve injury?

Severe ulnar nerve injuries may require surgery as they will not heal on their own.

If surgery is required, it should be performed within six months of the injury. The longer the period without nerve stimulation for a particular muscle, the lower the likelihood of the muscles working properly again.

Traditional ulnar nerve surgery involves grafting nerves through the affected areas. A newer procedure called nerve transfer surgery restores damaged nerves, leading to the restoration of muscle function.

This complex microsurgery is an open procedure that can take seven hours or more, but the results may be better than the traditional method.

The procedure involves harvesting nerves from other areas of the body and directly grafting them into the nerve that supplies the target muscles.

For example, the partially deflected muscle may work safely with fewer nerves, and additional nerve fibers can be used to restore other muscles in the area that control arm movement.

In nerve transfer surgery, the surgeon’s expertise plays a vital role as it involves a careful decision-making process.

The surgical team examines each nerve under a microscope and applies electrical stimulation. If the nerve produces contractions in the muscles, it is considered suitable for grafting.

Recovery after ulnar nerve surgery

Recovery from this type of surgery depends on the severity of the injury. In cases where multiple nerves are injured, there will be fewer available nerves for transfer and grafting, and the outcome may not be perfect. While complete restoration to normal may not be possible, significant improvement in hand, elbow, and shoulder function can be achieved.

The nerves regenerate slowly. Although you may start moving your arm or hand again after a few weeks, active movement may take three to six months to begin. Some nerves may take years to heal.

You will need to move your muscles during the recovery process to prevent joint stiffness. Physical therapy will be necessary after surgery.

Ulnar Nerve Injury Treatment in Türkiye

Many patients come to Türkiye for ulnar nerve injury treatment.

REHABTÜRK HEALTHCARE PROVIDER NETWORK comprehensive treatment services to international patients, including transportation, accommodation, and complete trip coordination.

Treatment for ulnar nerve injury in Türkiye requires at least a week for patients coming from abroad.

Patients receive intensive care after the operation to ensure their condition and satisfaction following ulnar nerve injury treatment. Additionally, our patient support team is available 24/7 throughout the week.

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