Robotic sleeve gastrectomy in Türkiye

Robotic sleeve gastrectomy is a process during which 60 to 80 percent of the stomach is removed to form a kind of pocket or sleeve through the robot, with the aim of reducing the size of the stomach and thus feeling full quickly, which leads to weight loss while continuing to absorb nutrients.

Robotic sleeve gastrectomy

What is the da Vinci surgical system?

It is a robotic surgical system made by experts in Intuitive Surgica in 2000 and called it “Da Vinci” similar to Leonardo da Vinci’s study of human anatomy and designed to facilitate complex surgeries using minimally invasive methodology, through which the surgeon can control the arms and all the tools from the control room and use The da Vinci surgical system is used in advanced hospitals, including Turkish hospitals, and its use has become more and more common in operations such as sleeve gastrectomy, hysterectomy, prostate , kidney , uterus , and uterine fibroids , in addition to many other surgeries.

Advantages of robotic sleeve gastrectomy

  • Better vision: The da Vinci surgical system provides a complex 3D image system, which increases the surgeon’s ability to see.
  • Surgical wide range of motion: Robots provide additional range of motion, better ergonomics, and greater precision to the surgeon
  • Smaller incisions:  8 incisions are made , leaving less visible scars and reducing the risk of infection.
  • Better Ergonomics: The robot allows the surgeon to sit at a console with easy-to-access controls which eliminates the doctor’s arm strain and provides greater precision.
  • Shorter hospital stay and faster recovery: The procedure is minimally invasive, which means a shorter stay and less pain

During the procedure:

The procedure begins, the patient is placed under anesthesia, then small incisions are opened in the abdomen with the help of a robotic platform (using the da Vinci robotic surgical system) and surgical equipment is passed through it, the most important of which is a three-dimensional endoscope, which provides doctors with a clear triple and magnified view, and also uses tools to cut the stomach vertically into two parts Where the largest part of the stomach is removed, and the remaining section forms a kind of sleeve, and then finally the incisions are attached. This method is less invasive compared to traditional open surgeries, and requires smaller incisions, less blood loss, and a faster recovery.

After the procedure:

The diet after the robotic sleeve gastrectomy first includes sugar-free and non-carbonated liquids for the first seven days, then pureed foods are added for three weeks, and finally to regular foods approximately four weeks after surgery. Multivitamins twice daily and calcium supplements once daily are required. And a vitamin B12 injection once a month for life, and the patient undergoes periodic examinations in the first months, in addition to laboratory tests, blood tests, and various exams.

Physical changes occur due to rapid weight loss during the first three to six months after the robotic sleeve gastrectomy, including:

  • body aches
  • feeling tired 
  • feeling cold
  • dry skin
  • Hair thinning and loss
  • Mood changes

Robotic sleeve gastrectomy helps in weight loss by:

  • Reducing the size of the stomach : which gives a feeling of rapid satiety and stopping eating after that. This means getting fewer calories.
  • Removing the part of the stomach that secretes the “ghrelin” hormone : which is the hormone associated with hunger so that the patient does not feel hungry.

Risks of robotic sleeve gastrectomy:

  • Bleeding: Heavy internal or external bleeding may lead to shock
  • Deep vein thrombosis : Surgery increases the risk of a blood clot forming in a vein
  • Pulmonary embolism: a lung blockage that occurs when part of a blood clot breaks off and travels to the lungs
  • Arrhythmias : Surgery can increase the risk of irregular heartbeats, especially “atrial fibrillation.”

Benefits of losing weight after robotic sleeve gastrectomy in Türkiye:

Losing a significant amount of excess weight helps to improve the quality of life, in addition to facilitating the performance of many daily activities and reducing the risks of obesity-related health conditions such as:

  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • High cholesterol (hyperlipidemia).
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Sleep Apnea.

How can I book a sleeve gastrectomy in Türkiye?

Treatment in Türkiye
  • Free medical support on the phone: You will have a dedicated representative for your health condition who is always ready to answer your questions.
  • Free consultation with a specialist doctor: Your medical representative will consult with a number of doctors and hospitals to find the best possible treatments.
  • Free travel visa arrangement: We will contact the embassy in your country to assist you in obtaining a visa to visit Türkiye.
  • Free itinerary planning: We will create a schedule for your medical trip to Türkiye.
  • Free translation of documents and reports: We will translate medical documents and reports into Turkish on your behalf.
  • Free support and monitoring: We will monitor the stages of treatment and be by your side every step of the way.
  • Free instant translation: We will be with you during the treatment stages to provide translation between you and the medical team.
  • Free accommodation and transportation coordination: We will book accommodation for you and your companions in Türkiye, along with transportation services.

Contact REHABTÜRK doctors for more information about the procedure and to evaluate your medical condition.

 Ask for a free consultation.

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