What is the weight loss balloon?

A new, less invasive treatment for obesity is the intragastric balloon (weight loss balloon). It is a medical device that is implanted into the stomach by a healthcare provider to limit its volume for a temporary period. The insertion process does not require surgery as it is conducted through an endoscope that is passed through the throat.

What is the weight loss balloon?

What is Intra Gastric Balloon?

The technique of Intragastric balloon insertion is a method of weight reduction in which a silicone balloon filled with saline solution is placed into the stomach of the patient. This technique restricts the amount of food intake and results in quicker fullness sensation, thereby helping the individual to lose body weight.

Who is eligible to receive a stomach balloon?

For some adults, undergoing a gastric balloon surgery could serve as a viable means of shedding some extra pounds.

  • In order to be eligible for the procedure, individuals should have a body mass index (BMI) ranging from 30 to 40. BMI is a measure of the correlation between an individual’s weight and height, and a BMI of 30 or more indicates obesity. Exceptions may be made and the procedure may be suggested for individuals with a BMI less than or greater than the standard range in specific situations.
  • I have been unsuccessful in shedding pounds despite trying various approaches such as altering my eating habits, making lifestyle changes, and taking medication.
  • Choose a less intrusive option instead of a surgical procedure that alters the body’s anatomy for weight loss.

If your physician advises weight loss ahead of a scheduled operation, like a joint replacement, or in order to improve fertility, a gastric balloon may aid in reaching your targeted weight within a comparatively brief length of time.

What is the amount of weight that is possible to be reduced through the use of a gastric balloon?

A usual reduction in weight achieved with the gastric balloon is approximately 10% of the total weight or 30% of the extra weight. This can have a significant positive effect on your health in a short period. However, the amount of weight loss depends on your adherence to the program. If you do not follow the program after balloon removal, you may regain the lost weight.

What is the weight loss balloon?

During the gastric balloon procedure, what occurs?

The procedure for inserting a gastric balloon through an endoscope is minimally invasive and can be done on an outpatient basis. It typically lasts around 15 to 20 minutes and is carried out in an endoscopy center.

In order to insert the balloon into the stomach, the physician utilizes a flexible, slim tube-shaped tool that contains lights and is referred to as an endoscope.

You will feel very drowsy and relaxed when you are sedated. After being sedated, you will lie on your side while the doctor carries out the procedure.

  • The physician places a long, thin tube called an endoscope through the mouth to thoroughly inspect the esophagus, stomach and small intestines for any issues that could pose a risk to the placement of a gastric balloon, such as a sizable hiatal hernia or ulcer in the stomach.
  • In case all appears to be in order, a slender tube referred to as a catheter is introduced alongside the endoscope. The uninflated balloon is connected to the end of the catheter.
  • The endoscope is used to direct the catheter from the esophagus and into the stomach.
  • After positioning the balloon, it is inflated with salt solution using the catheter until it reaches a size roughly equivalent to that of a grapefruit.
  • The physician employs an endoscope to separate the catheter from the balloon, which closes off using a valve.
  • The filled balloon is left behind in the stomach as the doctor removes the endoscope and catheter.
What is the weight loss balloon?

What Type of Balloons Are Available?

There are two kinds of balloons that can remain in the stomach for either 6 or 12 months, and the choice to use either is a joint decision made by the doctor and patient. Doctors usually suggest short-term balloons for patients with digestive issues. Regardless of the chosen balloon, patients might receive medication to decrease stomach acid and avoid feeling sick. The size of the 12-month balloon can be altered if necessary.

What benefits does the gastric balloon offer?

  1. You can avoid the possibility of risky surgery by using the gastric balloon.
  2. This process consists of a fast method and a brief period of recuperation. You can resume your job and other obligations promptly.
  3. Additionally, it has the ability to enhance any health problems that are associated with obesity, such as interrupted breathing during sleep, elevated blood pressure, brain damage caused by blood clots, the development of insulin resistance, and joint inflammation.
  4. It is not necessary for you to consume a nutritional supplement on a daily basis.

Gastric Balloon Outcomes & Recovery

The use of gastric balloon can result in higher weight loss compared to diet or exercise alone. The approach suggests that patients who undergo gastric balloon procedure along with making lifestyle changes like better dietary habits and physical activity can lose more than double the weight in a year compared to those who solely rely on lifestyle modifications.

People have varying degrees of ease when adapting to the balloon; while some effortlessly adapt, others may struggle.

During the initial days following the placement of the balloon, you may experience discomfort such as cramps, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. These are only temporary and arise as your body adjusts to the presence of the balloon. The discomfort will subside after a few days.

The bariatric surgeon in rehabturk suggests that the patient refrains from engaging in any unnecessary physical activity until a week has elapsed.

After getting accustomed to the balloon, you can raise your levels of physical activity.

This balloon is only one component of a complete program for post-treatment care that includes talking to you about healthy food choices, setting up a regular exercise plan, and keeping track of how you are doing through frequent check-ins.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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