What is LAP-Band (Gastric Band Surgery)?

Gastric band surgery is a form of bariatric treatment that can be adjusted and undone. The process entails the placement of a silicone band (Lap-Band) around the stomach, leading to a decrease in stomach volume and slower digestion. This helps to foster healthy eating habits, leading to a reduction in food consumed.

What is LAP-Band (Gastric Band Surgery)?

Why should you have weight loss surgery?

  • This is the sole method that has been tested and verified to be successful and maintainable for losing weight over a prolonged period of time.
  • Reduces the likelihood of developing cancers linked with obesity.
  • by maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in regular exercise. Adopting a healthier lifestyle can help to reduce the risk of developing obesity-related conditions and improve overall health and wellbeing.
  • Enhancement of reproductive ability, particularly in individuals affected by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
  • Enables you to prolong your lifespan, increase your overall happiness and improve your health.

At the rehabturk Weight Loss Centre, we offer customized treatments that are designed according to your specific requirements and medical history.

What Is Gastric Banding Surgery?

To restrict the amount of food a person can consume, a surgeon performs laparoscopic surgery by making small incisions in the abdomen. During the procedure, an adjustable silicone band is placed around the upper portion of the stomach. The silicone band causes the stomach to become a small pouch that has an outlet that is approximately one inch in width. Following the surgery, the stomach’s capacity is limited to about an ounce of food.

A device is positioned below the skin and connected to a silicone band via a plastic tube. Sterile salt water, or saline, can be injected or removed through the skin to fill or empty the silicone band. The band can be tightened by injecting saline, which helps reduce side effects and enhance weight loss. Adjustments can be made to its tightness as required.

What is the maximum amount of weight that can be lost with LAP-Band?

On average, Lap-Band helps people lose approximately 40% of their excess weight within two years. For instance, if someone is 45 kg. overweight, they can expect to lose 20 kg. However, the amount of weight loss may differ based on how much one modifies their behavior following the procedure. Compared to other weight loss surgeries, Lap-Band typically results in less weight loss.

Who is best suited to Gastric Banding?

  • Individuals who prioritize safety and the option to reverse the procedure, despite potential drawbacks such as limited weight loss compared to other surgeries.
  • Individuals who display great discipline and dedication towards making permanent changes in their diet, physical activity, and behavior.
  • Individuals who are classified as having lower levels of obesity are preferred patients.
  • Individuals over the age of 70 should opt for a procedure that carries the least amount of risk.
What is LAP-Band (Gastric Band Surgery)?
Lap-Band placed on a replica stomach. This medical procedure is used to help those with obesity.


A procedure to implant a gastric band is performed while the patient is under general anesthesia. Typically, this procedure is carried out in an outpatient clinic, and the patient can usually leave the same day.

The method is not too intrusive, as it entails using tiny openings to perform the operation. The specialist creates small surgical openings, numbering from one to five, in the belly zone. A laparoscope, which is a lengthy slim tubing that has a camera, is utilized to conduct the operation. It frequently requires about 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

Before the surgery day, the patient must refrain from eating starting from midnight. After two days, many individuals can return to their regular routines, although some may require a week off from work.

What Are the Results of Gastric Banding?

Due to its significant likelihood of not being successful, gastric banding surgery has become less frequently conducted. This type of medical operation typically results in a reduction of surplus weight by roughly 35% to 45%. If an individual is 45 kg over the ideal weight, they could anticipate losing approximately 15 to 20 kg as a result of gastric banding. Nevertheless, outcomes greatly differ. In the event of a requirement to do so, the procedure can be undone, and eventually the stomach restores its regular dimensions.

Is gastric banding an effective treatment for health conditions caused by obesity?

Merely shedding some extra weight can bring about a significant improvement in health conditions that are linked to obesity, such as:

  • High cholesterol.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Heart disease.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Non-alcohol related fatty liver disease.

The metabolic and hormonal effects resulting from the gastric band are not identical to those of other weight-reducing surgeries. Essentially, the gastric band is deemed a restrictive procedure, mainly curbing the volume of food that can be consumed during a single meal.

Who can get Lap-Band surgery? 

It is not enough to simply enter a clinic and express a desire for Lap-Band surgery. While it is possible to do so, it does not guarantee that the surgery will be performed. To be eligible for the procedure, various standards must be met.

Individuals who meet the requirements for Lap-Band surgery are expected to:

  • An individual should have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or more, or a BMI of 30 or more with complications related to obesity (such as type 2 diabetes).
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • In the past, I have made efforts to lose weight through various methods including following a specific diet, engaging in regular exercise, and taking prescribed medications, but none of them resulted in successful weight loss.
  • Confirm that they have the ability and intention to alter their way of life after undergoing the surgery.
  • Avoid battling addiction to alcohol or drugs.
  • Not be pregnant
  • To proceed with the procedure, it is required that they pass a psychological examination that confirms their emotional readiness.


What is LAP-Band (Gastric Band Surgery)?

Laparoscopic gastric banding offers several benefits such as:

  • The potential for individuals suffering from obesity to experience sustained reduction in weight over an extended period of time.
  • relatively rapid recovery
  • After undergoing surgery, there is a decreased likelihood of experiencing wound infections and hernias.
  • Decreased possibility of developing diabetes, hypertension, urinary incontinence, and other health issues associated with being overweight.
  • no loss of nutrient absorption
  • In numerous instances, surgery has resulted in an enhanced standard of living.

Additionally, there is the choice to take off or modify the band. Being adaptable implies that it can be made tighter or looser, like in the case where insufficient weight is being shed, or in instances of nausea after meal consumption.

The amount of weight loss an individual can achieve varies but typically falls within the range of 40 to 60 percent of their excess weight.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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