Breast abscess treatment in Türkiye

What is a breast abscess?

It is one of the types of breast infection that can occur in women who are not breastfeeding, and an abscess appears under the areola of the nipple. It is in the form of a bulge filled with pus (fluid filled with dead white blood cells).

What are the symptoms of a breast abscess?

Breast abscess treatment in Türkiye

When a breast abscess develops under the areola, some pain is noted in the area. This is associated with swelling of the skin. It is possible to empty the pus if it is pressed, but it is better not to do so. The infection begins to form a fistula, and if left untreated, nipple inversion can also occur. If the infection is severe enough, this may lead to fever and a general feeling of ill health as well.

What are the causes of a breast abscess?

A breast abscess is caused by a blockage of a duct or gland within the breast. This blockage can lead to inflammation under the skin. Subareola breast cysts usually occur in young or middle-aged women who are not breast-feeding. Some of the factors that increase the risk of developing an abscess include:

  • nipple piercing
  • smoking
  • diabetic

What is the relationship between breast abscess and mastitis?

Both cases occur in the breasts of breastfeeding women. Mastitis is an infection that causes swelling and redness in the breast area due to blockage of one of the milk ducts, but if left untreated, this may lead to the appearance of abscesses in the breast.

How is a breast abscess diagnosed?

The doctor evaluates the abscess by conducting a breast examination and also takes a sample of pus and sends it to the laboratory to determine the type of infection. The doctor may need to know the type of bacteria that is causing the infection because some types of bacteria are resistant to some medicines. An ultrasound of the breast may also be performed to determine the affected areas under the skin and how deep the abscess is beneath. In addition to the possibility of conducting an MRI examination, especially for severe or recurrent infections.

Breast abscess treatment

The first stage of treatment begins with taking antibiotics. In addition, the doctor opens the abscess and drains the pus, depending on its size. This means that the abscess will be removed in the doctor’s office under local anesthesia.

Either in the event that the infection does not disappear, or if the infection returns repeatedly, the second stage will be carried out, which is the surgery. The abscess and any infected glands are surgically removed. In the event of a nipple inversion, it can be reconstructed during surgery.

Complications of a breast abscess

Abscesses and infections can recur even after treatment with antibiotics and surgery may be required to remove the affected glands in order to prevent a recurrence. The nipple can become inverted, deformed, or pushed off-center due to the abscess, causing aesthetic problems. In most cases, nipple problems or cysts do not indicate breast cancer .

Home care tips

Since the breast abscess is an infection, the patient will need antibiotics. However, there are some home remedies that can be used to reduce the pain and discomfort while the breast abscess is healing:

  • Apply an ice pack covered with a cloth to the affected breast for 10 to 15 minutes, several times a day. This reduces inflammation and swelling of the breast.
  • Place washed and clean cabbage leaves on the breasts. Where first, the leaves are washed well with soap, then placed in the refrigerator until it cools down, and finally the leaves are placed on the affected breast.
  • Wash your skin and nipples with a gentle antibacterial soap. Then let the area air dry before putting on a bra or shirt.
  • Wear a soft-padded bra to help drain the pus and reduce any friction that may cause increased discomfort.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to reduce breast pain and discomfort.
  • Refrain from squeezing the abscess or trying to empty it in any way, as this may exacerbate the symptoms.

It is best to contact a doctor if there are signs of worsening infection, such as a high temperature, widespread redness, fatigue or malaise.

Tips for preventing breast abscess

Personal hygiene, nipple and areola hygiene, and not smoking are all helpful in preventing breast cysts. But until now, doctors do not know exactly the causes of breast abscess disease.

treatment in Türkiye

With the increasing awareness of obstetrics and gynecology, many women prefer to go to Türkiye for treatment and surgery and benefit from Turkish expertise in this field in addition to the affordable cost.

And as an extension of its high-quality health services, “REHABTÜRK” health institution provides the services that women need at a high level of quality, which puts women’s health in the first place.

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in REHABTÜRK can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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