Fibroadenoma treatment in Türkiye

Fibroadenoma is not cancerous. They are tumors that range in size from the smallest of a pebble to the size of a tennis ball. Most of them appear suddenly and stay the same size. Some shrink or continue to grow. They are affected by hormones and often change in size during the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy.

Fibroids are usually stretchy and firm, but it can be difficult to feel them properly. If you press on the block, you will most likely find that it moves away from your fingers. This is why some people call fibroadenoma “mouse breast.” Adenomas do not move far into the breast.

Usually, fibroadenomas are not painful. However, they can be uncomfortable or very sensitive to touch. Women often find that their adenomas mature in the days leading up to their period. Pushing or stimulating the lump can also make it soft.

Researchers don’t know what causes fibroadenomas. We know it’s very common, especially in women between the ages of 15 and 25. Up to one in six (15 percent) women will have a fibroadenoma at some time in their lives. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between a fibroadenoma and breast cancer. So more testing may be required.

Fibroadenoma treatment in Türkiye

Diagnosis of fibroadenoma

To diagnose a breast lump as a fibroadenoma, the breast specialist will consider:

  • Any need for further tests to confirm the diagnosis, such as taking some cells for testing
  • Results of a physical examination and ultrasound or mammogram
  • The history of the block, its shape and size
  • woman’s age
  • Whether there is a history of breast or ovarian cancer in the family 
  • If the lump is growing over time.

What to do about mouse breasts

Most fibroadenomas are left alone and not treated. Many women and their specialists decide that there is no need to remove the lump. It is safer to leave the tumor where it is.

While fibroadenomas are not cancerous, it is sometimes difficult for doctors and women to feel completely confident that a lump is not cancerous. Some of these masses must be removed or biopsied to stop this concern.

Sometimes a woman requests a fibroadenoma be removed because it is too uncomfortable or painful. However, the scar from the surgery may be uncomfortable or painful, so this decision must be considered very carefully.

If a fibroadenoma continues to grow, sometimes a specialist will suggest removing it before it gets bigger, simply to reduce the amount of scarring.

Surgical removal of the tumor

The extent of the operation to remove a fibroadenoma depends on its size. Mostly the operation is performed using general anesthesia. Usually the women go home the same day. There will be a scar where the fibroadenoma was removed.

The nature of the tumor

Your tumor does not put you at risk of breast cancer. You should follow breast cancer screening recommendations for women of your age and family history.

All women need to be aware of any changes in their breasts that are not normal for them. If you have any change in your breast that differs from the normal hormonal changes, you should have it checked out by your GP.

For most women, unusual changes in the breasts are distressing. It can bring up many different feelings and fears. Understandably afraid of cancer. It’s also common to find the exams stressful and invasive.

Most of the time, women are relieved to know that the change in their breasts is due to a common condition that is harmless or serious.

 But sometimes, the worry about getting cancer persists. Some women also find that changes in their breasts affect how they feel about themselves, their sex lives, or their relationships.

If fibroid is having a negative impact on your life, it may be helpful to share your feelings with supportive family members or friends.

 You can also get information or advice from your GP or women’s health nurse at your local community health centre. 

If your lump is painful, speak to your GP

Fibroadenoma treatment in Türkiye

If you suffer from vole and want treatment in Türkiye, the expert team of gynecologists or oncologists in REHABTÜRK can help you with that.

Therefore, you must  communicate with your medical advisor at REHABTÜRK to evaluate the situation via remote, and then your case is presented to specialized doctors to estimate the extent of your need for surgery.

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