Arm Lift (brachioplasty)

An arm lift, which is also referred to as brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that gets rid of extra sagging skin from the underarm and alters the shape of the lower part of the upper arm – from the armpit to the elbow. The arm lift is able to improve and reshape the appearance of your arms by addressing excessive skin that has become loose or lost its elasticity, weakened tissues beneath the skin, and localized fat deposits, resulting in arms that are more defined and toned.

Arm Lift (brachioplasty)

What is an arm lift?

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a medical operation that involves surgically enhancing the appearance of the arms.

  • Helps to decrease the presence of loose skin that hangs down excessively.
  • Reduces sagging and creates a more firm appearance by toning and refining the supportive tissue that gives the upper arm its structure.
  • Decreases the accumulation of fat in specific areas of the upper arm

Weight fluctuations, the natural aging process, and genetics can lead to the sagging and dropping of the upper arms, which exercise alone cannot fix.

If your upper arm’s underside is sagging or appears loose and full because of excessive skin and fat, then arm lift surgery might be suitable for you.

Why does arm skin sag?

The sagging of the arm region can be caused by various factors such as aging, genetics, significant changes in weight, excessive sun exposure, and the pull of gravity.

The drooping of the back and inner arm is primarily a result of the buildup of fat and the loosening of skin and tissues in that area.

Arm Lift Options

  • In the traditional arm lift procedure, excess skin and fatty tissue are surgically removed from the armpit to the elbow. This approach is recommended for patients who have a substantial amount of excess skin and fat on their upper arms.
  • The extended arm lift involves the surgical removal of excess fat and sagging skin from beneath the arms, as well as addressing any issues regarding the surrounding areas of the body.
  • A hidden arm lift, also known as limited incision brachioplasty, is a surgical technique that may be combined with liposuction. The procedure involves making a discreet incision in the underarm crease. It is suitable for patients who have a moderate amount of fat and loose skin, offering them an effective solution.
  • Liposuction is a solitary procedure that can be utilized to alter the shape of the arm in certain individuals. It involves making a minor cut and has a quick healing period. Generally, liposuction yields optimal results for patients who possess a good elasticity of the skin, minimal or no surplus skin, and a small quantity of fat.
  • CoolSculpting is a non-invasive solution commonly employed to decrease a small quantity of fat, but it is not effective in dealing with sagging or drooping skin.
Arm Lift (brachioplasty)

Which individuals are suitable candidates for arm lift surgery?

In general, arm lift candidates include:

  • Adults who have considerable sagging skin on their upper arms
  • Adults of any age who maintain a consistently stable weight and do not have a significant excess of weight.
  • Persons who are in good health and are not affected by any medical conditions that hinder the process of healing or heighten the chances of complications from surgery.
  • Nonsmokers
  • People who have a positive perspective and practical goals

Preparing for an arm lift

To ensure a safe and successful arm lift surgery, it is important to take certain measures in the weeks and months leading up to it. If you are a smoker, quitting smoking one to two months prior to the surgery can significantly lower the chances of any complications.

To illustrate, a common issue caused by smoking is delayed healing of wounds, leading to a higher likelihood of getting infected. Collaborate with your doctor to devise a strategy for quitting smoking prior to undergoing any surgical procedures.

Your doctor will conduct a preoperative assessment a few weeks prior to your arm lift procedure. They will assess your current health condition and medical background to ensure that you are prepared for the surgery. This is an ideal opportunity to address any queries or express any worries you may have about the arm lift with your doctor.

The first step they will take is to examine if there are any pre-existing medical conditions that could pose a risk during the surgery.

In addition, your preoperative assessment may entail:

  • lab work
  • a chest X-ray
  • an electrocardiogram
  • a prescription for medication taken before surgery
  • making changes to the amount of medicine and supplements you are currently taking.

Your doctor will use the findings from your preoperative assessment to determine the most secure method for your surgery. Additionally, it is essential for you to discontinue the intake of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), two weeks prior to your surgery.

What is the procedure for performing an arm lift or brachioplasty?

What is the procedure for performing an arm lift or brachioplasty?

At rehabturk Center, an arm lift is usually done as an outpatient procedure. The duration of the procedure is typically between one to two hours, although it may take longer if the surgery is more extensive or if other procedures like liposuction are done simultaneously.

In order to carry out the arm lift procedure, the plastic surgeon will create cuts either on the inner or outer part of your arm. The cuts may vary in length, ranging from the armpit to slightly above the elbow, depending on the quantity of loose skin present.

Individuals who have undergone bariatric surgery and experienced a substantial weight loss might end up with excess skin, requiring a surgical procedure involving a long incision extending from the elbow, passing through the armpit, and continuing onto the side of the chest.

Prior to making the cut, your plastic surgeon may employ liposuction to eliminate any extra fat. Afterwards, any surplus skin will be taken out, tightened, and secured with absorbable sutures. Additionally, the surgeon may use sutures in the skin that will require removal within one to two weeks following the surgery.

Recovering from an arm lift

During your post-surgery recovery, it may be necessary for you to utilize a compression garment in order to manage any swelling. In addition, your doctor might choose to insert a temporary drainage tube into your arm, aiding in the elimination of any fluid or blood that may accumulate following the surgical procedure.

Your doctor will provide you with instructions for postoperative care to bring home with you. These instructions will include guidance on wound care, instructions about which medications to take and when, signals to watch out for any complications, and a schedule for upcoming follow-up appointments.

While you are recovering from an arm lift, it is crucial to abstain from smoking. Smoking hampers the healing procedure, increasing the chances of enduring lasting scarring or infections.

You will be able to go back to work or school and start doing some activities again within a period of two weeks. After six weeks, you should be able to resume your usual level of activity. Make sure to inform your doctor if you experience any pain or difficulty moving during the initial recovery period.


Getting an arm lift comes with several advantages, especially if you maintain a healthy lifestyle consisting of a well-balanced diet and frequent exercise. Opting for an arm lift can effectively diminish the signs of aging on your body, particularly if you have long struggled with self-consciousness regarding your arms. Not only will you experience an enhanced quality of life, but your self-esteem will also greatly improve. Just imagine the joy of being able to confidently wear sleeveless shirts during hot summers or looking absolutely beautiful in a strapless dress.

Having slimmer arms can also have the effect of attracting focus towards the shoulders and chest, while also contributing to a more slender overall appearance.

Arm Lift Surgery Results

An arm lift can enhance the appearance of your upper arms by eliminating excess skin, resulting in a more defined and firm look.

The outcomes of an arm lift usually have long-term effects. However, it is important to note that as you get older, your skin may naturally become less firm over time, leading to a possibility of some sagging. To maintain the results of an arm lift, it is advisable to maintain a steady and healthy weight.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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