Breast Implant Removal

Breast implant removal refers to the surgical process of extracting silicone or saline implants from the body. This surgery may be conducted either when the individual no longer desires to keep the implants or when there are complications with the existing ones. One common reason why people opt for this surgery is the hardening of scar tissue around the implant, which leads to a capsular contracture.

Breast Implant Removal

When to consider breast implant removal

While breast implants do not have an expiration date, they are not meant to last forever. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends that implants should be replaced or removed every 10 to 15 years.

Scar tissue can harden around breast implants, which is a common cause for removal or replacement. Capsular contracture, as it is called, can cause discomfort, pain, and alter the appearance of the implants.

There may also be a requirement to remove breast implants due to:

  • leaking of the breast implant
  • The accumulation of calcium deposits surrounding the implant.
  • autoimmune response to the implant
  • Tissue death or necrosis surrounding the implant
  • pain related to the implants
  • The displacement or relocation of one or both implanted objects.

There are individuals who opt to extract their breast implants due to alterations in their breasts caused by various factors such as age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding which result in changes in their appearance, size, and weight.

Occasionally, individuals may no longer desire to keep their implants, or they may have dissimilar aesthetic objectives and wish to modify their implant size.

What occurs prior to the elimination of breast implants?

Prior to undergoing breast implant removal, your healthcare practitioner will provide you with particular directions in order to aid in your readiness. It may be necessary for you to:

  • Make changes to the medications you are currently taking or begin taking new ones.
  • It is recommended to stay away from medicines that may cause bleeding, which include anti-inflammatory medication and some herbal supplements.
  • Stop smoking or using tobacco products.

In general, the removal of breast implants is a procedure that does not require hospitalization and patients can go home on the same day. However, it is important to organize transportation beforehand to ensure a safe journey back home.

Breast Implant Removal

What are the actions involved in a process to remove breast implants?


Medicines are given to make you feel more comfortable while undergoing surgery. You can opt for either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Your physician and anesthetist will suggest the most suitable option for you.

The incision

To remove breast implants, either an incision is made along the lower bend of the breast (known as the inframammary fold) or an incision is made surrounding or below the areola.

The operation

The method of removing breast capsules and implants after surgery varies depending on the type of surgery and the surgeon. Usually, a mix of techniques is used.

Closing the incisions

The skin incisions can be closed using stitches, skin glue, adhesive tapes, or clips.

Once you have your breast implants removed, your breast profile will change and may appear less full or saggy compared to before your surgery. There may also be uneven areas or dents present. The presence of scar tissue around the implants can also affect the shape of your breasts and cause indentations to form.

Breast Implant Removal

Aftercare and recovery time 

Following the surgery, medical experts will cover the wound with gauze and install drains if needed. These drains are minute silicone tubes that extract any liquid or blood from the wound during the recovery period.

Additionally, they can offer the individual with bras or clothes that offer additional comfort.

A compression garment may be suggested by a physician to aid in diminishing swelling.

It is crucial for the person to abide by all the directions given by their doctor and healthcare team while they are recovering. They may receive various instructions related to their medical care, such as the following:

  • tips on caring for the incision
  • A period of time designated for post-treatment monitoring and examinations.
  • process may be prescribed by a doctor. A physician might recommend taking medications that can either lessen the chances of contracting an infection or quicken the recovery process.
  • Indications to monitor for infection or any other problems that may arise as a result of the surgical procedure.

It may take multiple weeks for the process of recovery.

What benefits can be gained from having breast implants removed?

There are a number of advantages to removing breast implants. The procedure can have an impact on:

  • Breast X-rays, also known as mammograms, may suffer from a lack of clarity due to the presence of silicone or saline implants. The absence of these implants may result in clearer mammogram results.
  • If you suffer from capsular contracture, the removal of implants can bring you almost instant relief from pain. Moreover, taking out larger implants may reduce pain in your neck or back.
  • If the scar tissue hardens, there is a possibility that the implant may rupture. To avoid this risk, removing the implant is necessary.

The bottom line

The surgical procedure called breast implant removal involves removing silicone or saline implants. These implants tend to remain in the breast for a duration of 10 to 15 years. People may choose to have this surgery to deal with issues such as tissue hardening or other complications. Additionally, some may opt for new implants to replace old ones, while others may simply no longer desire to have implants at all. Breast implant removal surgery is usually conducted on an outpatient basis, and those who are worried about the aesthetics of their breasts after the surgery can choose to have a breast lift.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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