Silicone implant removal in Türkiye

Silicone implant removal is considered a necessary procedure in some cases, especially after a long period of having the implants.

The patient may initially be excited and satisfied with the increased size and fullness when first getting breast implants. However, breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime.

Silicone implant removal in Türkiye

After several years, the patient may feel that it is now the appropriate time to refresh the implants. Some patients may also have concerns about the appearance of their old implants and wish to have them revised, while others may have concerns about implant-related illnesses. Regardless of the reasons, silicone implant removal surgery, also known as “explantation,” can help address the issue.

The surgeon initiates the procedure, considering the patient’s ultimate goal. The doctor ensures, based on the desired outcomes sought by the patient, that they are aware of all the available options after implant removal, allowing them to enjoy a satisfying aesthetic result.

What is the process of silicone implant removal?

The removal of silicone implants, also known as “explantation” surgery, is a necessary procedure in some cases, especially after a long period of time since the initial augmentation.

Patients may initially be enthusiastic and enjoy the increased size and fullness when they first get breast implants. However, breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime.

After several years, the patient may feel that it is now the appropriate time to refresh the implants. Some patients may also have reservations about the appearance of their old implants and wish for a revision, while others may have concerns about implant-related illnesses. Regardless of the reasons, silicone implant removal surgery, also known as “explantation,” can help solve the problem.

The surgeon initiates the procedure, taking into consideration the patient’s ultimate goal. The doctor ensures that, based on the desired outcomes sought by the patient, they are familiar with all the available options after implant removal, in order to provide a satisfying aesthetic result.

What is the process of silicone implant removal?

Women choose to remove their implants for several reasons, including:

Old implants:

While implants are medical devices without an expiration date, most implants have a lifespan of 10 to 20 years inside the body. Even if the implants have not caused any issues, it is still important around the 10-year mark to consider removing old implants and possibly replacing them to avoid any complications.

Aesthetic appearance:

Some women may choose to remove the implants for cosmetic reasons. They may feel that their old implants no longer fit their bodies as time has passed. Factors such as age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can affect the breast tissue surrounding the implants, and the patient may not be satisfied with the size or shape of their breasts and desire a change.

Discomfort or pain:

Implant removal surgery can help alleviate any pain or discomfort caused by the implants. Irritation or even severe pain can occur around the implant site due to the accumulation of scar tissue or overly large implants for the body. Some individuals may also find that the additional weight on the chest leads to neck and shoulder strain.

Capsular contracture:

Capsular contracture, or the formation of scar tissue around the implants, is a completely normal part of the healing process after surgery. The body’s natural response to a foreign object is to isolate it by forming a barrier of scar tissue. In most cases, this is a positive thing as it helps keep the breasts in place while remaining natural and soft to the touch.

However, when the formation of scar tissue around the breast becomes abnormally hard and distorts the appearance of the breast or even constricts around it, it becomes important to address it. The only way to alleviate these symptoms is by removing the implants and the surrounding scar tissue.

Implant rupture:

Implant rupture is another reason that prompts women to consider surgical removal. When a rupture occurs in a saline implant, the effects are immediately noticeable, as the breast takes on a “deflated” appearance. While a rupture in a silicone implant may not be immediately visible, it is necessary to remove the implant relatively quickly after a “silent” rupture to prevent silicone from spreading to other areas of the body. While most patients experiencing silicone implant rupture do not have any symptoms,

when symptoms do appear, they may include uncomfortable sensations such as burning, tingling, or numbness, the formation of firm lumps or nodules, and even changes in the appearance of the breast. Therefore, patients with breast implants should undergo regular imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI to ensure they are not experiencing any implant rupture.

Rippling and implant texture:

Patients with insufficient breast tissue or those who have experienced significant weight loss may notice the appearance of wrinkles or rippling from the implant on their skin. This can be felt when touching the breasts. If modest weight gain is not enough to reduce the appearance of rippling, the surgeon can work with the patient to reposition the implant, change the type of implant used, or address any loose or tight skin.

After silicone implant removal

The recovery period after silicone implant removal is very similar to the recovery period following breast augmentation. It is expected to experience some pain, swelling, and bruising in the first two weeks. The responsible surgeon will provide specific instructions on self-care during the recovery period to ensure a safe and successful healing process.

Most patients can return to light activities within one week and engage in strenuous exercises after approximately six weeks. Doctors focus on minimizing the appearance of scars during the postoperative period.

Doctors monitor the healing process and evaluate how the wounds are healing. Once the stitches are removed, doctors may prescribe medications to be used for three months to continue the healing process and ensure the best possible aesthetic results.

Healthy and beautiful breasts after silicone implant removal

The results of silicone implant removal can be seen shortly after surgery and are long-lasting. For women concerned about the side effects or complications resulting from implantation, those concerns are eliminated permanently with implant removal.

Women also enjoy excellent aesthetic outcomes as doctors work throughout the procedure to ensure that the results meet the patient’s expectations beautifully.

To learn more about silicone implant removal in Türkiye, contact “REHABTÜRK” institution, which operates in this field, to provide you with all the details.

How can I book silicone implant removal surgery in Türkiye?

العلاج قي تركيا
  • Free medical support on the phone: You will have a dedicated representative for your health condition who is always ready to answer your questions.
  • Free consultation with a specialist doctor: Your medical representative will consult with a number of doctors and hospitals to find the best possible treatments.
  • Free travel visa arrangement: We will contact the embassy in your country to assist you in obtaining a visa to visit Türkiye.
  • Free itinerary planning: We will create a schedule for your medical trip to Türkiye.
  • Free translation of documents and reports: We will translate medical documents and reports into Turkish on your behalf.
  • Free support and monitoring: We will monitor the stages of treatment and be by your side every step of the way.
  • Free instant translation: We will be with you during the treatment stages to provide translation between you and the medical team.
  • Free accommodation and transportation coordination: We will book accommodation for you and your companions in Türkiye, along with transportation services.

Contact REHABTÜRK doctors for more information about the procedure and to evaluate your medical condition.

Ask for a free consultation.

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