Male Breast Reduction Surgery (gynecomastia).

Gynecomastia surgery, which is a surgical procedure to reduce male breasts, removes any additional breast tissue. The surgery may involve either liposuction, excision (using larger cuts), or a combination of the two. Individuals undergo this operation for a variety of factors, including enhancing their physical appearance, increasing self-esteem, and reducing discomfort caused by larger breasts.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery (gynecomastia).

How do I know if I have gynecomastia?

Generally, gynecomastia happens in both breasts; however, an individual may experience it in an uneven or one-sided manner. When checking for any abnormalities, the breast examination by one’s self often shows a noticeable, sensitive, steady, adjustable, disk-shaped bump of flesh, which is less solid than cancer and placed centrally under the nipple-areolar complex.

If there are detectable lumps in the breast that are only on one side, are firm and immovable, located towards the outer edges of the breasts near the nipples, and are accompanied by abnormal discharge from the nipple, skin alterations, or swollen lymph nodes, it would be best to assume that it is breast cancer and undergo a comprehensive assessment, which should include having mammograms and MRI scans done.

What is gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a medical condition in males where their breasts become abnormally large or swollen, and it can happen at any stage of life. The root causes of this condition may be hormonal fluctuations, family genetics, being overweight or consuming specific medications.

Gynecomastia can bring about psychological distress and affect your sense of self-esteem. A few men may even steer clear of certain physical pursuits and intimacy altogether just to conceal their condition.

Gynecomastia is characterized by:

  • Excess localized fat
  • Excess glandular tissue development
  • Sometimes excess breast skin
  • The state of being present can occur in one or both breasts.

Causes Of Gynecomastia

There are various reasons that can lead to Gynecomastia, which is the enlargement of male breasts.

Hormonal imbalance. 

Gynecomastia is mostly caused by an uneven distribution of estrogen and testosterone in your body, which could be as a result of hereditary factors or illness.

Weight gain. 

Men who are overweight or obese tend to experience gynecomastia more frequently than those who are thin. This is because having excess body fat leads to an increased production of estrogen in the body. Therefore, shedding some pounds could potentially improve or eradicate the effects of gynecomastia.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery (gynecomastia).

Medications that have an impact on the levels of hormones.

It is important to acknowledge that certain medications such as antidepressants and birth control pills can lead to gynecomastia. However, it is worth mentioning that some medications used by athletes, such as steroids, can also result in this condition.

Which individuals are suitable for undergoing gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery candidates include:

  • Men whose condition cannot be corrected through alternative medical treatments
  • Individuals who are in good health and do not have any severe illnesses or medical problems that can hinder the process of healing.
  • Nonsmokers and non-drug users
  • Men who have a positive attitude and clear objectives about how to enhance the physical signs of gynecomastia.
  • Men who are in good physical condition and have a weight within the average range.
  • Men who have realistic expectations
  • Men whose breast growth has stopped progressing.
  • Men who experience discomfort due to the perception that their breasts are excessively large

Surgery could be advantageous for teenagers, but additional operations might be required later on if their breast growth persists.

Gynecomastia Symptoms

  1. Swelling of the breasts
  2. Enlarged breasts
  3. Pain in the breasts
  4. Lumps in the breasts
  5. Nipple discharge (milk-like) or inverted nipples

What are the necessary steps to get ready for the surgical procedure to treat gynecomastia?

Before having gynecomastia surgery, you could potentially be requested to undertake the following steps:

  • Get lab testing or a medical evaluation
  • You should either take specific medications or make changes to your current medication regime.
  • Stop smoking
  • It is recommended that you abstain from consuming aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and natural supplements as these substances may amplify the occurrence of bleeding.

Your gynecomastia treatment’s effectiveness and safety will rely greatly on how honest you are in your consultation. You will need to answer several inquiries about your health, preferences, and way of life.

Surgical reduction of male breasts can be carried out in a registered surgical facility located in an office, certified outpatient surgical center or hospital. Make sure to organize transportation to and from the surgery location and have someone stay with you for a minimum of one night after the surgery.

What occurs during the process of gynecomastia surgical procedure?

There are situations where surgeons solely rely on liposuction for eliminating breast tissue. Their method involves using a suction tube through multiple minor cuts to get rid of excess fat.

In case you possess additional skin, fat, and tissue, your healthcare provider might suggest excision. This approach necessitates bigger cuts to take out breast tissue. During an excision procedure, your provider has the option of relocating your nipple and areola as well. The incision designs, durations, and positions are determined by the dimension of your breasts and the outcome you desire.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery (gynecomastia).

A combination of excision and liposuction may be necessary, and your doctor will suggest the suitable method for your case. Prior to the chosen method, you will be given general anesthesia through a vein in your arm. You will be unconscious during the operation and won’t experience any pain.


The process of recuperating from breast reduction surgery may take multiple weeks, and it is possible that you will need to take a certain amount of time off from your job. For a span of several weeks, your breasts may experience soreness, swelling, and discoloration due to bruising.

After the surgery, it is necessary for you to wear a compression garment that has elasticity for a period of 1 to 2 weeks both during day and night. This will provide necessary support to your chest during the healing process.

The duration for which you should wear the dressings is dependent on the pace at which your wounds recover. Within a span of 1 to 2 weeks, your stitches would dissolve or get taken out.

For around three weeks following the procedure, refrain from engaging in intense exercise, lifting heavy objects, or overstretching. It will take approximately six weeks before you can resume all of your regular activities without any restrictions.

You may resume driving once you can wear a seatbelt without any discomfort, which may take a few weeks after the surgery.

Gynecomastia surgery results

Immediate visibility of the results can be observed after undergoing gynecomastia surgery. The swelling post-surgery will gradually go away and incision lines will fade with time. As you continue to recover, your happiness with your transformed appearance should increase.

It may take approximately 3-6 months for you to notice the ultimate outcome of your gynecomastia surgery. Although the incision lines will be permanent, they will gradually become less visible as time goes by.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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