Thigh lift surgery is a procedure that enhances the appearance of the thighs. It involves removing extra skin and fat, which leads to a more even and balanced shape for both the thighs and the lower body.

Thigh Lift

If your attempts at staying fit and keeping your weight under control have not led to achieving your desired outcome of a more toned, youthful, and well-proportioned body, a surgical lift could be suitable for you.

Why is it done?

The purpose of this procedure is to help with the issue of skin becoming loose and saggy in the thigh region due to either gaining and losing too much weight or getting older.

Who is a candidate for a thigh lift?

If you meet the following criteria, you could be eligible for a thigh lift surgery:

  • Don’t smoke.
  • If you have any preexisting medical conditions, such as diabetes, that are adequately controlled, or if you do not have any conditions that could hinder your recuperation.
  • You have successfully maintained your desired weight for a whole year, and you have no intentions of losing any more weight.

To determine if you are eligible for a thigh lift surgery, a surgeon will assess your overall health and review your medical background.

Types of Thigh Lift

There are two types of thigh lifts.

Depending on your objectives, your plastic surgeon will recommend one of the following options:

  • The objective of a medial thigh lift is to make the upper portion of the inner thigh look more toned by getting rid of extra skin. It is the most frequently performed type of thigh lift.
  • The standard thigh lift is a cosmetic procedure that aims to reshape and firm the upper leg. It is commonly performed on individuals who have recently undergone weight loss.
Thigh Lift

What are the benefits of a thigh lift?

Benefits of a thigh lift include:

  • Smoother thighs.
  • Reshaped thighs.
  • Reduced appearance of stretch marks.
  • Reduced friction rashes.
  • Tighter muscles.
  • Less sagging skin.
  • More confidence in your appearance.


Oh, the famous “thigh gap.” This phrase typically describes the narrow area between the thighs that is visible when someone stands upright with their legs close together. Although certain body shapes make it difficult to naturally achieve a thigh gap, it can be obtained through thigh lift surgery, which involves reducing the fat on the inner thighs.

Put simply, thigh lift surgery gets rid of excess fat on both the inner and outer thighs, even targeting the troublesome “saddle bag” area. This procedure allow individuals to attain the desired thigh gap, regardless of their circumstances.

Preparation for Thigh Lift Surgery

Before your thigh lift procedure, it is recommended that you take certain significant actions.

In order to lower the chances of experiencing difficulties, it is important to maintain a BMI of less than 30.

To minimize the chance of blood clots, it is important to discontinue the use of estrogen-based contraceptive pills or hormone replacement therapy (HRT) four weeks before your surgery. During this time, opt for other forms of contraception.

Reduce your alcohol intake before your thigh lift surgery as it can slow down the healing of incisions.

Before your thigh lift surgery, it is important to avoid smoking or using any nicotine products such as smoking, vaping, or patches for a period of four weeks. Nicotine can elevate the risk of complications, so it is crucial to refrain from its use during this time.

To get ready for your recovery, it is important to make sure your home is comfortable. Arrange for someone else to take care of tasks that involve physical effort, such as looking after pets or children, until you have fully recuperated.

Thigh Lift

What’s the procedure like? 

Prior to undergoing thigh lift surgery, you will be advised to discontinue the use of medications that can contribute to increased bleeding. This includes aspirin, specific supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen. Additionally, your surgeon may require a medical assessment to confirm your eligibility for the procedure.

During the procedure, you will be given general anesthesia. Depending on the type of thigh lift you have selected, your surgeon will create the necessary incisions. Afterward, they will eliminate extra skin and fat cells and then secure the incisions using sutures.

Typically, it takes about 2 hours to finish the entire procedure. However, considering the time spent in both pre-operative and post-operative phases, it is reasonable to anticipate that the whole process will occupy the majority of the day.

Having someone accompany you before and after your operation and staying with you overnight is recommended in case any complications occur.

Recovery After Thigh Lift

In most cases, you:

  • There will be discomfort in the thigh area during the initial 24 to 48 hours after the operation.
  • There will be tight bandages around the thighs.
  • It is necessary to keep your legs raised during the initial week.
  • You are able to take a shower in the initial days following the surgery.
  • Can be seen in public within a period of four to five days.
  • It is important to restrict vigorous physical activity for a duration of four weeks after your surgery. If you gradually increase your level of activity, you may observe swelling in your ankles.

What results can I expect?

Thigh Lift

You will see the outcomes of thigh lift surgery right away, although it may take a few weeks for the final results to fully show. While some scars will remain, they will improve and become less visible over time, with the best improvement taking about a year. To ensure long-lasting results, it is important to maintain a stable weight and overall fitness. Although natural aging may cause some loss of firmness, the majority of your results should be relatively permanent. Look at our thigh lift before and after pictures for real patient results.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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