Upper Body Lift (Upper Trunkplasty) 

An upper body lift can involve a range of procedures, such as an upper arm lift, breast lift (or treatment for gynecomastia), or back lift (removal of fat rolls on the back through surgery). With an upper body lift, your body shape becomes more toned and streamlined, enhancing your overall appearance.

Upper Body Lift (Upper Trunkplasty) 

What can an upper body lift do?

Having realistic expectations is crucial when considering the benefits of an upper body lift. It is not a surgery intended for weight loss; instead, its primary purpose is to eliminate surplus skin in various areas, such as the arms, back, bra line, chest, and breasts. Additionally, it can effectively target persistent fat deposits. Therefore, if you have achieved your target weight but are still dissatisfied with certain areas that do not respond to traditional methods, an upper body lift can be an excellent solution. Ultimately, the outcome of this procedure is a more refined and streamlined appearance to the upper body.

If you have lost a significant amount of weight, you may want to think about combining an upper body lift with a lower body lift and panniculectomy to enhance the overall shape of your body. Depending on your personal goals and specific requirements, it might be necessary to have these surgeries done individually rather than all together.

What to expect if I get this done?

If you have experienced noticeable weight loss, the effects of an upper body lift will become apparent right away. Nevertheless, it will require a considerable amount of time for the healing process to occur, and it may take several months or longer to observe the ultimate outcome. Typically, the results of this surgery endure over a long period of time, although there may be slight alterations in firmness due to the natural aging process.

benefits of an upper body lift:

  • Get rid of any extra fat or skin that leads to friction and irritation on the body.
  • Enhance the smoothness of your appearance by firming up loose and sagging skin.
  • Get rid of “back rolls” or excess fat around the sides of your lower back.
  • Look better in clothes
  • Enhance your perception of yourself and boost your confidence level.
Upper Body Lift (Upper Trunkplasty) 

How do I prepare for surgery?

Typically, an upper body lift is done while under general anesthesia, which means you will be unconscious during the surgery. Prior to your operation, you will receive specific instructions and a checklist containing essential guidelines.

  • Wearing loose, easily removable clothing
  • Abstaining from food and water
  • Stopping medications and blood-thinners
  • Filling prescriptions
  • Planning transportation home after a surgical procedure
  • To prevent the use of jewelry, makeup, contact lenses, or skincare items should be avoided.
  • Creating a cozy and supportive space for recovering at home
  • Getting ready meals and making easily reachable food items for your recovery.
  • Getting compression clothing to put on over the areas being treated.

The Upper Body Lift Procedure

The specific steps involved in an upper body lift can vary greatly depending on the individual needs of the patients. Generally, the process starts with an arm lift, where a cut is made on the inner part of the arm. The length of the incision will depend on the amount of skin that needs to be removed and may extend from the elbow to the underarm. Other incisions are made around the areolas and along the crease under the breasts for the breast lift, as well as near the bra line for the back lift.

The extra skin is taken out through the cuts, while the underlying tissue is reshaped. The remaining skin is stretched to make it taut, and the cuts are stitched up and occasionally drains are put in place.

What should I expect after my surgery?

Upper Body Lift (Upper Trunkplasty) 

After your surgery, your surgical cuts will be protected with dressings or bandages. Additionally, a small tube may be inserted under your skin for a short period to help with drainage. You will be given instructions to follow at home along with prescribed medication. Make sure to schedule a follow-up appointment with your surgeon. It is important to limit your physical activity, and avoid bending, straining, or lifting immediately after the surgery. It is crucial to carefully adhere to the instructions given by your surgeon.

What can I expect during my upper body lift recovery?

It is crucial to follow your surgeon’s instructions prior to and following an upper body lift in order to attain optimal results without any complications, as the associated procedures are thorough and comprehensive.

  • Ensure that you maintain ample assistance at home. It will take around seven to ten days for you to start feeling like your usual self, and you should avoid any strenuous activities, like carrying your children or heavy loads of laundry, for four to six weeks. If you have young children, it is essential to entrust their care entirely to someone else for a minimum of two weeks.
  • Your surgeon will likely schedule a follow-up appointment within five days, where they will be able to remove your drains.
  • If you have standard stitches, they are usually taken out within the initial week or two. However, absorbable stitches do not require removal.
  • Consider taking a break of approximately 14 days from your professional responsibilities, taking into account the level of physical exertion required in your occupation.
  • Try to gradually reintegrate yourself into your regular schedule instead of doing it all at once.
  • The swelling should go down within a period of five weeks. If the swelling and pain persist for a duration longer than two weeks, it is important to reach out to your surgeon without delay.
  • You can begin assessing the visual results of your surgery after a few months have passed.
  • The process of scars becoming less visible and more even in texture generally lasts from three months to two years.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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