What is butt augmentation?

Butt augmentation, also known as gluteal augmentation, enhances the shape and appearance of the buttocks, making them rounder, firmer, and more youthful. This procedure can eliminate excess, drooping skin or increase the size of a less prominent buttocks. In certain instances, your plastic surgeon may employ a combination of surgical techniques to achieve your desired outcome.

What is butt augmentation?

Butt enhancement procedures can employ various methods such as transferring fat, using implants, or utilizing lifting techniques to enhance and contour your buttocks.

What buttock augmentation surgery can do?

  • Enhance the size, shape, and prominence of your backside or buttocks.
  • Improve the balance of your figure
  • Improve how you see yourself and boost your self-assurance.

Besides methods for buttock augmentation, a buttock lift can be achieved through the surgical removal of soft tissue.

Why get a butt lift?

The shape of your buttocks can change due to various factors such as loose skin, aging, genetics, or significant weight loss. Enhancements to the buttocks have gained popularity globally, as round and firm buttocks are often associated with femininity and sensuality. If you wish to regain a youthful shape or increase the volume of your buttocks, a butt lift may be a suitable option.

If you have any of the concerns listed below, a butt lift is an excellent choice.

  • Your buttock area has skin that is loose and sagging.
  • Your buttocks may appear loose, sagging, or lacking firmness due to factors such as weight loss, pregnancy, or the natural effects of aging.
  • If you have unwanted fat or loose skin that makes you feel uneasy or hinders your ability to move freely.
  • Your buttocks are either too small or too large compared to your body structure, and you wish to achieve a more proportionate appearance.
  • You want your buttocks to have a rounder or more curvaceous shape as they currently appear too flat or square.
  • Your body doesn’t have the proper proportions for clothes and swimwear to fit correctly.

What are the types of butt augmentation?

What is butt augmentation?

There are three different types of butt augmentation.

  • Buttock implants involve the surgical placement of silicone implants into your buttocks, resulting in a more voluminous and rounded appearance.
  • The Brazilian butt lift (BBL) involves taking fat from a specific area of your body through liposuction and using it to enhance the size of your buttocks.
  • Butt lift: The surplus skin is eliminated by the plastic surgeon to elevate your buttocks, resulting in a more refined and toned look.

What steps should I take to get ready for a buttock enhancement procedure?

Before undergoing a buttock augmentation or lift, you may be required to:

  • Get a blood test
  • Consider taking specific medications or modifying your existing medications.
  • Stop smoking
  • It is advisable to refrain from consuming aspirin and particular anti-inflammatory medications as they have the potential to heighten bleeding.

Butt augmentation surgery can be conducted at an officially approved surgical facility within an office, an outpatient surgical center, or a hospital.

If you have an outpatient procedure, make sure to organize a ride to and from the surgery, and have someone stay with you for at least the first night after the surgery.

Who is a good candidate for butt augmentation?

Typically, you are a suitable candidate for enhancing your buttocks if:

  • Are healthy.
  • Are prepared to deal with recovery.
  • If you do not have a long-term medical condition like diabetes that affects the healing process of wounds.
  • Don’t smoke.
  • It is important to have practical expectations regarding the outcomes you will achieve.
What is butt augmentation?

Butt implants procedures

The main objective of butt implants is to improve the appearance of the buttocks. However, there are various methods to accomplish this. The two primary techniques used are fat grafting and buttock implants.

Fat transfer

In 2015, the most sought-after buttock cosmetic surgery was the augmentation of the posterior through the transfer of fat, which is commonly referred to as the “Brazilian butt lift.”

In this process, the surgeon removes fat from a different part of your body, typically the abdomen, flanks, or thighs, using suction. This fat is then injected into the buttocks to increase their size. Sometimes, silicone implants are also used along with this method to achieve a more realistic appearance.

Silicone implants

Butt implants are made from silicone, which is the substance used in the procedure. Unlike injections, the implants are inserted into the buttocks through a surgical incision made in the area between the buttock cheeks.

In order to achieve optimal outcomes, this method is occasionally utilized in conjunction with fat transfer. The process of recovering from buttock surgery typically spans a duration of approximately four weeks.

Implants often increase the size or volume, which cannot be achieved solely through injections or fat grafting. In general, silicone implants have been proven to be a secure and successful method for enhancing the buttocks.

For individuals who have minimal fat, implants may be the better option as they may not have enough fat to use in a Brazilian butt lift procedure.


Besides utilizing fat grafting and implants, liposuction is occasionally employed in buttock surgeries. This procedure eliminates surplus fat from specific regions of the buttocks in order to accomplish optimal shaping.

If you have extra fat in the buttocks area due to weight loss or getting older, you might be eligible for liposuction along with butt implants.

What is butt augmentation?

Recovering From Butt Implants

Many individuals experience discomfort following the procedure of having butt implants. One way to alleviate this pain is by utilizing over-the-counter pain medication. Additionally, your doctor may prescribe medication to assist in managing the discomfort. Following the surgery, it may be necessary to have surgical drains which will need to be emptied multiple times throughout the day.

After undergoing buttock implant surgery, it is necessary for you to wear compression garments. Your doctor will provide you with detailed guidelines concerning the post-operative care that you should adhere to until your next scheduled appointment.

To ensure proper healing, it is important to refrain from sitting or lying on your buttocks for a minimum of two weeks after receiving butt implants. If you choose to have a Brazilian butt lift, it is advised to wait up to eight weeks before resuming these activities. A gap of 48 hours should be given before taking a shower. Additionally, it is recommended to avoid any strenuous physical activities for a duration of four weeks.

You should be able to see the complete outcome of your buttock implants after approximately three months.

The benefits of a butt augmentation:

  • Get a smoother and more toned butt
  • Relieve any form of discomfort that may arise from having an excess amount of skin.
  • Enhance the appearance and prominence of your buttocks
  • Get a more proportionate body
  • Increase the size of your buttocks to achieve a more attractive appearance by opting for procedures such as the “Brazilian butt lift” or the use of butt implants.
  • Achieve a look that is younger or has more curves.
  • Get long-lasting results
  • Look better in clothes and swimwear
  • Enhance your perception of yourself and boost your confidence levels.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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