What is Buttock Lift Surgery?

Buttock Lift procedure is done to achieve a desired look of the buttocks that is proportionate to the body’s overall appearance.

What is Buttock Lift Surgery?

Just touching the butt may not be sufficient for achieving perfect buttock appearance. It is important to evaluate individual areas like the waist, hips, legs, and abdominal region, as well as the overall picture. In order to attain the desired proportion, one must touch these areas separately.

Which individuals are suitable candidates for a buttock lift?

A professional specializing in plastic surgery will assess if you are suitable for a buttock lift or any other cosmetic treatment.

Typically, individuals who are most suited for a butt lift are:

  • They are physically fit and do not engage in smoking.
  • Don’t have obesity.
  • Make sure you do not have long-term illnesses like diabetes or lupus that can hinder the process of healing.
  • Experienced a significant reduction in body mass or underwent surgery to decrease their weight.
  • Individuals may possess excess body fat or experience skin laxity in their buttock area.

Types of butt lift surgery

During a consultation, the surgeon may want to talk about different forms of buttock lifting surgery. Some surgeries focus only on lifting the buttocks, while others aim to increase their size.

Direct butt lift

Individuals who desire to eliminate drooping skin and tissue and improve the look of their buttocks may decide to undergo this treatment.

There are several factors that can cause sagging, including but not limited to age, fluctuations in weight, genetics, and pregnancy.

Some individuals may desire this operation following weight loss, but it is important to note that it will not augment the size of the buttocks. Instead, it will result in a more visually appealing contour and diminish the appearance of cellulite.

While performing the operation, a surgeon will create a cut either on the upper or lower region of both buttocks. Through this incision, they will extract unnecessary tissue.

Butt augmentation with implants

The process of butt augmentation involves enhancing the size or shape of the buttocks, typically by increasing projection and achieving a more rounded appearance.

This procedure entails placing silicone implants underneath the tissue in the buttock region.

At present, the FDA has not given its approval for any implants to be utilized in the United States.

What is Buttock Lift Surgery?

Brazilian butt lift (BBL)

A procedure called BBL is used for enhancing the size and shape of the buttocks by transferring fat from one part of the body to the other.

After performing liposuction on a different part of the body such as the thighs, hips or lower abdomen, the surgeon will proceed to transfer the extracted fat into the buttocks.

For someone to be eligible for a Brazilian butt lift, they must have a sufficient amount of extra fat located in another part of their body that a surgeon can remove without risk.

It’s crucial for the buttocks and hips to have good skin elasticity since the process won’t address any drooping skin.

How does BBL differ from a butt lift?

Although it may be called a Brazilian butt lift, this procedure should not be confused with a traditional butt lift. A butt lift procedure aims to lift and tighten droopy and creased skin, while the Brazilian butt lift is focused on enhancing and increasing volume in the buttocks area.

In BBL, the plastic surgeon:

  • Liposuction is a method of extracting extra fat from specific areas of your body such as the thighs or stomach.
  • Fat is injected into specific areas of your buttocks.

What to expect

After determining to undergo a butt lift surgery, the surgeon’s office will provide the person with detailed guidelines on when to halt their food and drink intake before the operation.

Planning transportation in advance is advisable for those undergoing butt lift surgery, as they will require a driver to accompany them following the procedure.

Before the surgery, the surgeon’s office might request that the individual undergo blood tests and adjust their medication schedule, which could include ceasing or starting certain over-the-counter medications.

Butt lift surgeries are typically done as outpatient procedures by surgical teams who administer general anesthesia. The duration of the surgery will vary depending on the specific type of procedure being performed.

In the event that a direct buttock lift is being done, the physician will create a cut either at the top of the buttock or below it. From there, they will take out any surplus skin and tissue and secure the cut using stitches. On certain occasions, it may be necessary for the physician to install drainage tubes.

When performing a silicone buttocks implant, a cut will be made in the upper part of the buttocks. Subsequently, a space must be created beneath the skin and fat, where the implant will be inserted. Lastly, the incision will be sewn up with sutures.

To perform a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), a cannula is utilized to extract fat from specific regions of the body, which is then collected in a sterile receptacle by the surgical team. Following collection, the fat is purified and treated before being injected into the buttocks through a specialized cannula.

No matter what type of procedure is done, a person must stay in a recovery area temporarily before they can go home, as advised by their care team. Anesthesia can cause drowsiness and lethargy throughout the day, hence it is recommended to take rest instead of planning any activities or tasks.

What is Buttock Lift Surgery?

Recovery Process

  • As per the procedure, it may be necessary to spend the night in the hospital following the surgical procedure.
  • To obtain optimal results and decrease swelling, it is advisable for the patient to utilize a specific medical brace for three to four weeks following their surgical procedure.
  • For a few days after the surgery, it is possible that she will experience mobility issues and mild discomfort. However, this is a typical occurrence that can be managed through the use of common pain relief medication.
  • You should not experience any discomfort when sitting, but you may find it challenging to sit down and stand up for a short period after the surgical procedure.
  • After the procedure, it is possible for you to experience edema and minor bruising. However, these symptoms will gradually lessen and completely disappear within four weeks.
  • For the initial fortnight, refrain from engaging in anything too demanding besides walking. After this period, you can partake in all kinds of athletic pursuits.
  • It’s okay to take a bath on the third day after the surgery. Keep wearing the corset for a duration of four weeks and take it off only when you’re having a bath.
  • After your surgery, you will have appointments with your doctor one week, one month, and six months later.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in Rehab Türk can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest medical technologies and methods.

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