Occupational therapy in Türkiye

Occupational therapy relies on rehabilitating people to participate in life activities. And regain their ability to do their own things and be independent without the need for others to interfere or rely on them.

What is occupational therapy?

People with intellectual disabilities have the right to be independent and independent in their lives. And to feel self-confidence by exploiting their skills and abilities, as having a mental disability does not make them incapable of creativity, participation in community development, and contribution to the development of work and production.

Occupational therapy in Türkiye

Treatment benefits

This treatment also aims to increase self-confidence, a sense of independence, and the ability to control and be independent in their lives. It is also used in nerve rehabilitation programs and is suitable for all age groups that need nerve rehabilitation through specialized programs and skilled specialists who are fully aware of the needs of people who need these programs, and this is what Romatem Hospital in Türkiye is keen to provide.

The need to use this treatment and its programs. It is not limited to the mentally and physically handicapped, but extends to include different groups. Therefore, occupational therapy is useful in treating the following cases:

in children born with a disability

This type of treatment is used with children who were born with disabilities resulting from a delay or developmental disorders that impair their motor, sensory and cognitive skills.

Treating children with what is known as ADHD , i.e. those who suffer from difficulties that result in impaired functional, motor or organizational abilities. This treatment is also used in the treatment of children with partial and non-extensive delay in growth. Anyone who may have difficulty with motor skills, but does not have problems with sensory and cognitive skills.

who have been in an accident

Occupational therapy is needed by someone who has been exposed to an accident that has resulted in a disability, whether in movement or in his sensory and motor skills, and has suffered damage to his various abilities. Therefore, the hospital treats these damages and is able to help these people to return to their old activities without any defect.

For children and adults who have a psychological disability

Treating both children and adults who may have a psychological or neurological disability that may impair their daily functioning. The center also provides this treatment for the elderly and those who have been subjected to disabilities that affected their motor or mental abilities with age and need programs that help them develop these abilities and help revitalize them again.

Occupational therapy goals:

The goal of using this treatment is due to providing the patient with what is necessary in order to be able to deliver him to a situation through which he can exploit his capabilities and his functional capabilities. Which makes him compatible with his generation, in addition to that the hospital puts it at the top of its priorities and goals while carrying out this treatment. Until it takes into account the type of disability that the patient suffers from and the difficulties he faces. The occupational therapy program depends on several elements, the most important of which are the following:

  1. The goals of treatment depend on the ability to provide the patient with the skills and abilities that he needs. And train him on it and use strategies designed to face the difficulties that the patient faces and provide him with the skills he needs.
  2. This treatment depends on the patient being given duties and exercises that help maintain abilities and practice what he has learned by himself without the need for the help of others.
  3. The treatment center is keen to carry out programs related to occupational therapy. Provided that the environment is suitable for the needs of the patient, as each patient must have certain elements in the environment in which he is present, as the one who has been exposed to an accident and lost his arm is different from the child with a mental or physical disability.
    As the center is keen to prepare a schedule in which work is planned and distributed in accordance with the person who has had an accident. Or you set a daily schedule for the children, taking into account that it helps the child develop his daily skills and what he needs in order to help him deal more independently without the need for outside help.
  4. The patient who needs to develop his skills and the ability to regain his old activity and skills that he lost. to share around it. In order for the program for which it was prepared to succeed. In order to make him able to control his life and contribute to the activities of daily life and increase the sense of self-confidence.
    Therefore, the center is keen to prepare programs based on training the family on how to deal with the patient. As patients with diseases such as schizophrenia . The guidance of their families depends on them motivating the patient and encouraging him to play an independent role. And practice his activities like adults and avoid overprotecting him.
    While the guidance that is directed to the family of children with partial developmental delay. Special programs are prepared to strengthen behavior and help the child get rid of any feelings of frustration and how to help him overcome the difficulties he faces.

Occupational therapy in Türkiye

  1. The role of the specialist depends on the ability to improve people’s ability and performance in all aspects of life. And the daily things they need and help patients to face and get rid of the difficulties they may face. It also helps in training the patient to be able to perform his daily duties and activities independently.
  2. The specialist works to prevent the development of the patient’s injuries or disability. Helping people with special needs to develop their mental and motor skills and abilities, and to enable them to participate in life just like ordinary people.
  3. The therapist helps patients to use devices such as a computer and get dressed without anyone’s help. The center is also keen to use equipment and devices that simulate what people do in real life and train patients to use them in order to strengthen their muscles and help them control the tools they use in their daily lives.
  4. The center is keen to use the best specialists in occupational therapy. Those who train patients with mental disabilities to include them in programs that help them adjust to other people. Dealing with them and moving around in public transportation and others.

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