Beyond the Bridge: How Alarplasty Reshapes Your Nose

Alarplasty, also known as alar base reduction surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that changes the shape of the nose. It is often requested by people who want to minimize the prominence of wide nostrils and achieve a more proportionate look for their nose.

Beyond the Bridge: How Alarplasty Reshapes Your Nose and Boosts Your Look

What’s alarplasty?

Alarplasty is a surgical procedure that involves modifying and decreasing the size of the nostrils by eliminating a small triangle-shaped segment of skin. Usually, it is done alongside rhinoplasty to improve the overall aesthetic of the nose, resulting in a more refined and appealing shape.

Rhinoplasty encompasses a range of surgical procedures that modify the size and shape of the nose. This can involve eliminating a hump, correcting bulbous or droopy nasal tips, and addressing functional issues like a deviated septum. In contrast, alarplasty specifically focuses on narrowing wide nostrils. This procedure involves removing skin from the nostrils and suturing them to create a narrower appearance. Incisions are made inside the nose and are restricted to the nasal area.

Who Needs Alarplasty Surgery?

Alarplasty surgery, also known as alar base reduction, is not suitable for all individuals. While it is commonly chosen for aesthetic purposes, it can also address specific functional concerns. Those considering alarplasty may include the following individuals:

Beyond the Bridge: How Alarplasty Reshapes Your Nose and Boosts Your Look

For aesthetic reasons:

  • People who feel that their nostrils are too wide or noticeable may choose to undergo alarplasty as a way to achieve a more balanced and cohesive appearance to their face.
  • Alarplasty is a procedure that can correct asymmetry caused by a significant difference in size between the nostrils.
  • Certain people might experience their nostrils widening when they feel happy or amused, which might bother them. To address this concern, alarplasty can be an appropriate remedy.
  • There are individuals who remain dissatisfied with the results of their past nose surgeries, specifically regarding the appearance of their nostrils. To enhance their nostrils further, they desire an additional procedure known as alarplasty.

For functional reasons:

  • Nasal issues that affect breathing: In rare cases, excessively wide nostrils can obstruct the passage of air through the nose, leading to breathing problems. Alarplasty, especially when combined with other nasal surgeries, can alleviate this problem and enhance the situation.
  • Inherent abnormalities: Individuals with a cleft lip or palate may also have varying nose deformities, which can be enhanced using a medical technique known as alarplasty.

Candidates for Alarplasty

Many people opt to undergo alarplasty because they believe that their nostrils are too large. Some also want to reduce the wideness of their nose in order to achieve a more balanced appearance. If someone is satisfied with the size and shape of their nose but desires narrower nostrils for improved symmetry, they may choose to have alarplasty as a stand-alone procedure. However, for patients who are getting a traditional rhinoplasty, their doctor may recommend incorporating alarplasty to ensure satisfactory and harmonious results. If you are considering this surgery, you may be a suitable candidate if:

Beyond the Bridge: How Alarplasty Reshapes Your Nose and Boosts Your Look
  • Feeling uneasy about having wide or prominent nostrils.
  • Looking to reduce nasal flaring
  • Unhappy with asymmetrical nostrils
  • In good overall health
  • Either the person is not a smoker or they are not willing to continue smoking before having surgery.
  • Realistic about treatment outcomes

During your doctor’s consultation, they will thoroughly evaluate your concerns and goals to determine if alarplasty is the suitable procedure for achieving your desired outcome. In some cases, a complete rhinoplasty may be more suitable for obtaining the desired results, but alarplasty can still effectively harmonize your nose with the rest of your facial features.

What you should expect during your surgical procedure:

Alarplasty is a straightforward and speedy surgery that can greatly alter the appearance of your face. The specific methods employed to reshape your nose will depend on the shape of your nostrils and the outcome you desire. To minimize noticeable scarring, our surgeon typically makes an incision along the natural crease of your nose. From there, a small portion of the nostril wall is removed in order to achieve the desired look. Before closing the incisions and reattaching your nostrils, our surgeon will make any necessary final adjustments to the shape of your nostrils.

Alarplasty Recovery & Results

After undergoing a procedure known as alarplasty, it is typically necessary for patients to take a week off in order to fully recover. During this time, they may experience slight redness and swelling, but these symptoms will gradually decrease over the following week or two. After five to seven days, the stitches used in the procedure are typically removed at a follow-up appointment, during which the doctor will evaluate the nose’s healing progress. While it may take up to three weeks to fully recover, many patients can go back to work and resume their regular activities before this time. However, it is important to avoid exerting oneself for a brief period in order to prevent any potential harm or strain to the newly altered nostril structure.

Immediately after the surgery, the effects will be visible, but they will continue to get better as the swelling reduces. Depending on how much tissue is removed, the nostrils will appear narrower and more proportional to the rest of the face. The bridge and other features of the nose will not be affected by alarplasty, but for those who feel that their wide nostrils create an unbalanced appearance, it can create impressive results.

Treatment in Türkiye:

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors, and consultants at REHABTÜRK can provide the best treatment options and free consultations, striving to stay up-to-date on the latest medical technologies and methods.

Ask for a free consultation.

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