Laser hemorrhoids treatment in Türkiye

Laser hemorrhoid treatment in Türkiye is an accurate and painless removal of hemorrhoids. It is a new technology and is used only in a few European countries, including Türkiye. It is characterized by its accuracy, speed, and good results. In addition, the patient can return to his home on the same day of the procedure.

علاج البواسير بالليزر في تركيا

What is hemorrhoid disease?

Everyone has a vascular plexus around the anus, which mainly consists of veins that work like a plug, helping to close the rectal opening, but in certain cases this plexus expands, and this is what we know as hemorrhoidal disease.

Stages of hemorrhoid formation

The first stage: the internal hemorrhoids are enlarged and the hemorrhoidal prolapse has not occurred yet.

Stage II: prolapse of internal hemorrhoids during physical activity or exertion. Then return after reducing the physical effort.

Stage III: Internal hemorrhoids prolapse during physical activity or exertion and do not return to their place. After minimizing physical exertion without the help of a hand.

Stage 4: Internal hemorrhoids are permanently outside the anus, and cannot be put back in place even with the help of the hand.

How do patients with hemorrhoids feel?

Symptoms vary from person to person. But in general, discomfort is felt in the rectum, itching, bloody secretions, bleeding during defecation, and inflammation of the intestine (painful and swollen formations in the anal area). In the later stages of the disease, hemorrhoids prolapse during defecation or physical exercises.

How is hemorrhoids removed by laser?

The doctor performs the examination with the help of the nurse, and that is a specially equipped room. The examination begins with the patient lying on his side first, then the doctor examines the anal area through palpation, and it is not painful because the doctor uses a special cream, but patients who suffer from severe pain may feel discomfort during the examination. In this case, the examination is carried out using an anesthetic spray and a special gel. After that, the information obtained during the examination is sufficient to assess the patient’s problems, but in case of doubt, the doctor appoints an additional investigation, but only a few patients need it, as it is important to check for the absence of a malignant tumor in the intestine or other serious disease, similar Its symptoms are with the symptoms of hemorrhoids, and this is also why patients should not delay visiting the doctor if they feel uncomfortable in the anal area. After examination and consultation with a proctologist, the doctor can prepare a treatment plan that suits the patient and his condition.

Benefits of the laser process:

  • The patient does not need to be hospitalized.
  • This procedure is painless.
  • Low risk of disease recurrence.
  • Short recovery.

Can patients diagnose hemorrhoids themselves?

Many patients say, when asking the doctor about their complaints, “I suffer from hemorrhoids,” and this may be true, but in other cases, the results of the examination show that the patients who said they suffer from “hemorrhoids” have a more serious disease (cancer, proctitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, etc) and it is especially tragic when the cancer is in an advanced stage and action is delayed. So only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis as a rectal examination is necessary to clarify or rule out suspicions about its presence or not.

Does the patient need to make special preparations before visiting the proctologist?

There is no need to make any special preparations before the first visit and many people think that they should not eat or drink the whole day before the visit or have to cleanse their bowels with medication, but it is not necessary.

Laser hemorrhoids treatment in Türkiye

The medical staff of surgical teams, doctors and consultants in REHABTÜRK can provide the best treatment options and free consultations – by striving to keep abreast of the latest technologies and medical methods.

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