البروفيسورة. الدكتورة.ازغير شاناي

البروفيسورة. الدكتورة.ازغير شاناي

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البروفيسورة. الدكتورة.ازغير شاناي

الاسم: Prof. Dr. Özgür ŞANLI

الشهادات العلمية:

1997-2001 ، جامعة إيجه ، كلية الطب ، قسم الأمراض الباطنة ، تركيا ، تركيا

الخبرات العملية:

2014- ، جامعة إيجه ، كلية الطب ، إعلان الطب النووي ، تركيا
1997-2014 ، جامعة إيجه ، كلية الطب ، قسم الأمراض الباطنة ، تركيا
2014 ، تخصص في الطب ، جامعة Ege ، تركيا ، YEŞİM CEYLAN

الاعتمادات والجوائز:

المنشورات العلمية:

1. COVID-19 Lung Findings Detected by Ga-68-PSMA PET/CT for Staging Purposes in Patients With Prostate Cance,rCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE, 2022, vol 47
2. The Complex Genetic Landscape of Hereditary Ataxias in Turkey and Implications in Clinical Practice, MOVEMENT DISORDERS, 2021, vol 36, pp
3. Ege Üniversitesi hastanesinde prostat kanserlerinin epidemiyolojisi ve genel sağkalım özellikleri., EGE TIP DERGİSİ, Index Copernicus, 2020
4. Ege Ünversitesi hastanesinde prostat kanserlerinin epdemyolojisi ve genel sağkalım özellkleri, Ege Tıp Dergisi, TR DİZİN (ULAKBİM), 2020, vol 59, pp
5. Predictive value of bone scintigraphy in the diagnosis of prostate cancer bone metastases and comparison of verification methods, Kuwait Medical
Journal, 2019
6. Splenosis of the Liver Capsule., Clinical nuclear medicine, 2018, vol 43
7. F-18-FDG PET/CT Findings of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Involving the Whole Genitourinary System, MOLECULAR IMAGING AND RADIONUCLIDE
THERAPY, 2018, vol 27, pp 138-140
8. Evaluation of bone mineral density and related parameters in patients with haemophilia: a single center cross-sectional study., American journal of
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blood research, Scopus, 2017, vol 7, pp 59-66
9. Evaluation of bone mineral density and related parameters in patients with haemophilia: a single center cross-sectional study., American journal of
blood research, 2017, vol 7, pp 59-66
10. Evaluation of bone mineral density and related parameters in patients with haemophilia: a single center cross-sectional study, AMERICAN JOURNAL
OF BLOOD RESEARCH, 2017, vol 7
11. The role of PET/CT in the evaluation of bone marrow involvement in lymphoma patients at the initial staging, MARMARA MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2017, vol 30, pp 1-7
12. Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density and Related Parameters in Haemophilia Patients: A Single Center Cross-Sectional Study, HAEMOPHILIA, 2016, vol 22, pp 74-75
13. Recurrence Incidence in Differentiated Thyroid Cancers and the Importance of Diagnostic Iodine-131 Scintigraphy in Clinical Follow-up, MOLECULAR
14. False-Positive 131I Uptake in a Benign Bone Lesion on Post-therapy Scan., Clinical nuclear medicine, 2016, vol 41, pp -5
15. Radioiodine uptake in an ovarian mature teratoma detected with SPECT/CT., Clinical nuclear medicine, 2015, vol 40, pp -60
16. 18F-FDG and 18F-NaF PET/CT Findings of a Multiple Myeloma Patient With Thyroid Cartilage Involvement,.Clinical nuclear medicine, 2015, vol 40, pp 873-6
17. An update on molecular biology of thyroid cancers., Critical reviews in oncology/hematology, 2014, vol 90, pp 233-52
18. Comparison of gated myocardial perfusion SPECT, echocardiography and equilibrium radionuclide ventriculography in the evaluation of left ventricle
contractility., Turk Kardiyoloji Dernegi arsivi : Turk Kardiyoloji Derneginin yayin organidir, 2014, vol 42, pp 349-57
19. Fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose PET-CT for extranodal staging of non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin lymphoma., DIAGNOSTIC AND INTERVENTIONAL
RADIOLOGY, 2014, vol 20, pp 185-92
2 0 . Scintigraphic Methods to Evaluate Alterations of Gastric and Esophageal Functions in Female Obesity, MOLECULAR IMAGING AND
RADIONUCLIDE THERAPY, 2014, vol 23, pp 5-11
21. Significance of First Thyroglobulin Level at the Time of Remnant Ablation in Predicting Clinical Course in Patients with Differentiated Thyroid
Carcinoma, KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL, 2013, vol 45, pp 108-112
2 2 . Portal Hyperfusion or Hepatic Venous Congestion: Which One Affects Kupffer Cell Function More?, EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL
TRANSPLANTATION, 2009, vol 7, pp 40-44
23. Clinical Implications of Diffuse Hepatic Uptake Observed in Postablative and Post-Therapeutic I-131 Scans, CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE, 2009, vol 34, pp 11-14
24. Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma of the thumb: a case report., Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 2009, vol 129, pp 161-6
25. Concomitant hyperthyroidism in patients with thyroid carcinoma and the effects of iodine supplementation in an iodine-deficient area., Clinical nuclear medicine, 2008, vol 33, pp 769-72
26. Multiple primary tumors in differentiated thyroid carcinoma and relationship to thyroid cancer outcome, ENDOCRINE JOURNAL, 2008, vol 55, pp
27. A comparative evaluation of Tl-201 and Tc-99m sestamibi myocardial perfusion spect imaging in diabetic patients , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF
CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, 2008, vol 24, pp 173-181
28. Clinical Outcome of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Patients with Lymph Node Metastases, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND
29. False-positive I-131 accumulation in a hepatic hydatid cyst, CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE, 2007, vol 32, pp 930-932
30. Relationship between gastric emptying and gastroesophageal reflux in infants and children., Clinical nuclear medicine, 2006, vol 31, pp 262-5
31. Clinical Findings and Prognosis of Histological variants of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND
32. Subacute thyroiditis during interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis B infection., Clinical nuclear medicine, 2003, vol 28, pp 864-5
33. Papillary microcarcinoma of the thyroid gland: Retrospective analyses of clinical presentation and outcome, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR
MEDICINE, 2001, vol 28, pp 1021-1021
34. Tc99m pertechnetate whole body scanning in differentiated thyroid carcinoma in comparison with I-131 whole body scintigraphy, EUROPEAN
JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE, 2001, vol 28, pp 1207-1207
35. The value of 99mTc-glutathione (GSH) in detection of metastases of differentiated thyroid carcinoma, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR
MEDICINE, 2001, vol 28, pp 1207-1207
36. The value of Tl-201 scan in the evaluation of suspected thymic rebound phenomenon, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE, 1999, vol
26, pp 1168-1168
Conference paper
1. Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density and Related Parameters in Haemophilia PatientsA Single Center Cross Sectional Study, EAHAD 2016, Verbal, Unpublished, 2016-2016
2. Evaluation of bone mineral density and related parameters in haemophilia patients a single center cross sectional study, 9th Annual Congress of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders, Summary Text, 2016-2016
3. Baş ve Boyun Kanserleri Konseyi Sonuçlarımız, Baş ve Boyun Kanserleri Konseyi Sonuçlarımız, Turkey, 2015-2015
4. Ümit Uluöz Tayfun Kirazlı Bülent Karcı Mustafa Esassolak Ali Veral Recep Savaş Özgür Ömür Raşit Midilli Serdar Akyıldız Kerem Öztürk Abdülhalim
Aysel Murat Samet Ateş Baş Ve Boyun Kanserleri Konseyi Sonuçlarımız 37 Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi 28 Ekim 1
Kasım 2015 Antalya, 37. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, Turkey, 2015-2015
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5 . Evaluation of bone mineral density in Turkish adult haemophilia patients, Haemophilia, VIIIth Annual Congress of the European Association for Haemophilia and allied disorders,, Verbal, Summary Text, 2015-2015
6. Evaluation of bone mineral density in Turkish Adult Haemophilia Patients, 8th Annual Congress of the European Association for Haemophilia and
Allied Disorders, Bulgaria, Helsinki, Verbal, Summary Text, 2015-2015, vol 21, pp 21-21
7. Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density in Turkish Adult Haemophilia Patients, 8th Annual Congress of the European-Association-for-Haemophilia-and- Allied-Disorders, Finland, Verbal, Summary Text, 2015-2015, WoS, vol 21, pp 21-21
8 . Baş ve boyun kanserleri konsey sonuçlarımız, 37. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi, Turkey, Antalya, Poster, Summary Text, 2015-2015
9. Selektif Dalak Sintigrafisinde SPECT BT Görüntülemenin Planar Görüntülemeye Katkıs,ı 27. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi 1-5 Nisan 2015, Adana., Turkey, 2015-2015, vol 1, pp 33-33
10. Kemik Sintigrafisinde İzlenen ve SPECT/BT ile Tanı Alan İnguinoskrotal Mesane Hernisi, 27. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, Turkey, Adana, Poster, Full
Text, 2015-, vol 1, pp 36-36
11. Benign Kemik Kistinde Metastazı Taklit Eden I-131 Tutulumu: Bir Olgu, 27. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, Turkey, Adana, Poster, Full Text, 2015-, vol
1, pp 54-54
12. Overde Matür Teratomda I-131 Tutulumu: Bir Olgu, 27. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, Turkey, Adana, Poster, Full Text, 2015-, vol 1, pp 53-53
13. ATYPICALLY LOCALIZED HODGKIN'S LYMPHOM,A5th International Eurasian Hematology Congress, Turkey, Antalya, Verbal, Summary Text, 2014-2014, WoS, vol 38
14. The Contributions of SPECT-CT to Planar Splenic Scintigraphy Using Tc-99m-Labeled Heat-Denatured Red Blood Cells, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Sweden, Poster, Full Text, 2014-, vol 41, pp 402-402
15. Olgu Sunumu: I-131 Tüm Vücut Tarama Sintigrafisinde Rezidü Tiroit Dokusunu Taklit Eden Kemik Metastazının SPECT/BT Tekniği ile Saptanması, 26. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, Turkey, Antalya, Poster, Full Text, 2014-, pp 32-33
16. The Value of Diffuse Slow Washout Rate of TL-201 in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with and without Perfusion Defects in Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy, 25th Annual Congress of the European-Association-of-Nuclear-Medicine (EANM), Italy, Verbal, Summary Text, 2012-2012, WoS, vol 39
17. Assessment of Variables Associated with the Post-surgical Radioiodine Ablation of Thyroid Remnants, 23rd Annual Congress of the European- Association-of-Nuclear-Medicine (EANM), Austria, Verbal, Summary Text, 2010-2010, WoS, vol 37
18. Nitrate-enhanced Tc-99m MIBI gated SPECT for evaluating viable myocardium and left ventricular functions in patients with coronary artery disease, 23rd Annual Congress of the European-Association-of-Nuclear-Medicine (EANM), Austria, Verbal, Summary Text, 2010-2010, WoS, vol 37
19. Alterations of gastric and esophageal functions in obese cases, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging, Spain, Poster, Full Text, 2009-, pp 442-442
20. Papiller Tiroid Karsinomu Histolojik Varyantlarında Klinik İzlem Bulguları, Nükleer Tıp Sempozyumu Pozitron Emisyon Tomografisi, Turkey, Ankara, Verbal, Summary Text, 2005-, vol 14, pp 9-9
21. Diffuse sclerosing variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma, Annual Congress of the European-Association-of-Nuclear-Medicine, Finland, Verbal, Summary Text, 2004-2004, WoS, vol 31
22. Differentiated thyroid carcinoma and second malignancies, 17. Annual Congress of the European-Association-of-Nuclear-Medicine, Finland, Poster, Full Text, 2004-, vol 31, pp 436-436
23. The Coexistence of Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid Carcinoma, 17. Ulusal Nükleer Tıp Kongresi, Turkey, İzmir, Verbal, Summary Text, 2004-, vol 13, pp 20-20

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